Saturday, December 15, 2018


Arrival Date: 12/15/18

Size: 13"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $82.73

Thoughts: I have wanted Kimiko since she came out! I hoped she and Koda would make it to US QVC like Kiri, but they never have. In November 2017, they were both on CB Direct, but they don't combine shipping, so I was looking at $52 in shipping costs for a box the same size as one larger bear for $26 shipping. I didn't like that, so I wavered on buying the pair and then Kimiko sold out. I haven't seen her for sale often since then. I remember one that was damaged, but the seller wouldn't lower the price accordingly. Well, finally, today I got my Kimiko! She came on ebay the same day Annuska restocked at CB Direct, so one is a Christmas present from my mom and the other I'm paying her back for. Kimiko is stunning. She's just like Kiri, but with different colors. The same chubby belly, cute face, little feets, thick tail and super soft fur. I love both of them and I need Koda now!

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Arrival Date: 12/8/18

Size: 14"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: Charlie Bears Direct

Cost: $85.88

Thoughts: Annuska caught my eye in the Secret Collection catalog and I've been eagerly awaiting her to become available. So of course she did everywhere else first! She's still not available within the US, but we Americans can order her (if we want to pay almost $27 in shipping) from CB Direct in the UK. I missed her the first time she was offered and was very upset, but then caught her the next morning. She arrived today, which I was not expecting at all, because she was supposed to come on Monday. UPS doesn't deliver on Saturday, but I'm thinking they made an exception for this huge snowstorm we're supposed to get these next few days. Annuska's bigger than I expected and she's SO SOFT. I think she's the softest CB I own. She's just amazing and gorgeous and wonderful.

Monday, December 3, 2018

BIRTHDAY BEAR 2018 (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 12/4/18 (Rehomed 2/25/21)

Size: 14"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 2,000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $74.95

Thoughts: I haven't blind pre-ordered the birthday bear since Malcolm two years ago. I didn't do it this year. I waited along with everyone else to see what the mystery bear looked like and was surprised to see an original design. BB2018 was clearly inspired by a couple mohairs. She resembles the mohair year bear, but also Trinity, who must be one of the most popular mohairs ever. I think this is the first time they've done a plumo for the birthday bear, too. I didn't let myself get too attached to her, because I wasn't sure I'd get one, but my stockist must have had a cancellation and I was able to get her after all. She's very cute and unlike any other bear in my collection. If she was tipped in a lighter pink, I don't think I would have wanted her, but the darker really works well with her creamy main color. She doesn't have a name, but mine is Flora for the moment. It may change.

HANK (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 12/4/18

Size: 11"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 899

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $66.95

Thoughts: Hank was not one of my initial pre-orders, but when I saw owner pics from the UK, I added him on. He's just too cute! I love hippos. He has excellent detailing, as usual for CBs. He was supposed to be 3rd quarter release, but we got him a bit late.

Friday, November 30, 2018


Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 14"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2830

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $69

Thoughts: When you see an unusual face, it's gotta be an Alison Mills. (Except Gary.) I saw some glorious sad Biancas in the Facebook CB groups and I really wanted one, so I decided to take a gamble and hope I got a sad one from QVC. And I'm not disappointed. She can look pretty sad, but also very grumpy, depending on how her fur lays. I like her a lot.

BLAISE (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 17"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1800

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $35

Thoughts: Blaise is growing on me. His striped fur is more like Fawsley's with more of a quality feel. I didn't initially like him much though. then I squished his face around and positioned his muzzle in a better spot. I do love his ears! And he has knees like the others. I find it funny that the 2015 Bearhouse I initially almost did not order, Fawsley, is actually the one I ended up liking the most. No regrets checking any of these out and I'd lose a bunch sending them back, so I'm keeping them, but the difference in quality is really obvious.

TATTON (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 17"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $38

Thoughts: Tatton is another 2015 Bearhouse. He's more like Greystoke in that his fur is just regular plush, but he's got more detail, so he cost a smidge more. He's cute, but nothing really makes him stand out from other plush tigers.


Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 18"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $34

Thoughts: Greystoke almost doesn't look like he belongs on these pages, does he? Of all the 2015 Bearhouse characters I purchased from QVC, he's the one who most looks like a regular plush toy. Don't get me wrong, he's super cute. This photo doesn't show his adorable open mouth so he looks like he's smiling all the time. But the fur is just regular plush, nothing special like Fawsley's. I do like the detail on the feet and of course, the knees.


Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1150

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free! (Regular $86.95)

Thoughts: Grover was my 10th bear purchased on my current rewards card, which meant that I earned my rewards dollars! Since Botticelli was one of the ten, I had quite a bit of bear bucks and that meant Caboodle came home for free. This bear is STUNNING. I'm a big fan of MishMash, who's the same design in black and shades of gray, but Caboodle is perfect for autumn. His warm tones are just glorious. I think he's going to be another underrated bear!

MERLIN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Rehomed: 12/31/21

Size: 20"

Year: 2011

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $65.21 (25% off regular $86.95)

Thoughts: Merlin has been on my low-key want list for ages. Probably well over a year. He's a big guy at 20", but he's not particularly hefty. His main feature is his long, scraggly fur that makes him look like the bear that lives under your bed. I've got mine seated next to Curly, being the two boys with the most unusual fur in my collection.


Arrival Date: 11/30/18

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $81.95

Thoughts: Grover was one of two bears I had on layaway before the hurricane and he's finally home. He's a delightful little guy and photos don't capture how amazing the colors are in the red part of his fur. There's such a blend! I love his big mane furstyle and the markings around his eyes. He's underappreciated I think because some people don't like his longer muzzle, but I do!

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Arrival Date: 11/29/18

Size: 13"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: Gift!

Thoughts: One of my friends surprised me with an early Christmas gift. I've had my eye on Gary and he was on my to-buy list for after I get all my pre-orders taken care of. I'm so glad I get to see him in person early, because he is SO SOFT. His head and paws are stuffed more, so he's really heavy for a small bear, but his fur is just so soft all over and his tummy is nice and squishy. Gary isn't a very popular bear, likely because he has a rather starey expression. He's not a cute as others, but I love him for that.

KINGDOM (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/29/18

Size: 17"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 970

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $54

Thoughts: Like Safari, Kingdom is from the 2017 Bearhouse collection. He's heavy like Safari and Paignton. His fur is super lush and amazing. I wasn't sure I was going to like the staring golden eyes, but I do, especially since after taking all these photos, the three felines got their whiskers removed! (I hate string whiskers.)

SAFARI (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/29/18

Size: 17"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QV

Cost: $56

Thoughts: In contrast to Fawsley, here is Safari from the 2017 Bearhouse collection. She's heavy and has detailed paws, unlike Fawsley. I love the shade of her nose and how it matches her ribbon and the little details like the hair in her ears elevates her above your typical plush lion.


Arrival Date: 11/29/18

Size: 18"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $38

Thoughts: Fawsley is my first Bearhouse from the earlier years. I think it was in 2017 that the quality on them went up drastically. Fawsley is still made from great quality plush. His fur isn't just one color. It's either white or tan underneath the more dominant golden color. My favorite thing about him is his knees! I love how he sits. His face is also very expressive. Mine seems to have eyes that are closer together than other Fawsleys, based on looking at Google pics. It gives him a more human expression.

FEATHERS (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/28/18

Size: 10"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1348

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $20

Thoughts: Feathers is a little baby stork from the Bearhouse collection. He's only about 10" tall and a lot of that is leg! I loved him because he was unique and jumped on the chance to own him when QVC did 6 Easy Pays over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Arrival Date: 11/26/18

Size: 11.5"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 2150

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Charlie Bears Direct US

Cost: Gift!

Thoughts: Callie was a gift from an anonymous member of the I Love Charlie Bears North America group on Facebook. She's one I always had on my "want but don't want to import" list, so I was thrilled when she came to the CB Direct US website, but I couldn't order her because I had no address at the time. I was contacted by the group owner, saying that a member wanted to buy me a bear but remain anonymous and I mentioned Callie. So she arrived today and she's just darling! She barely weighs a thing and I love her colors. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Arrival Date: 11/21/18

Size: Description says 13.5", but he's much bigger! Probably 16-18".

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1165

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $51.95

Thoughts: Chewy was not a pre-order, but once I saw the face of Valerie's last one, I had to reserve him. I'm a sucker for the more unusual animals in the Bearhouse range. (I may get the hedgehog eventually.) Chewy is another heavy, finely-crafted Bearhouse with excellent details and soft fur. I'm off to go cuddle him right now!


Arrival Date: 11/21/18

Size: 18.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 2050

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $80 (Regular $116.95. 3rd layaway payment was skipped as a gift.)

Thoughts: Dee Dee is one of my two layaway bears that was stuck in limbo. I was almost ready to pay them off when the hurricane hit. The always generous Valerie from BAMS offered to give me one of them as a gift to aid in my recovery from all the hurricane trauma, but I couldn't accept until recently, when I finally moved into my new place. Dee Dee was the chosen bear and she arrived today. Dee Dee has surprising bursts of color from more purpley tones to pinky-purples. Her face and inner ears are mohair. She's just lovely overall and I plan to sit her with Botticelli and Elspeth.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Arrival Date: 11/18/18

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 585

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Gift!

Cost: Gift!

Thoughts: Ruskin is my first new bear in my new home. He was a generous gift from a fellow member of the I Love Charlie Bears North America Facebook page. Last month, I was a victim of Hurricane Michael and was forced to relocate. We lived in a cheap motel for almost a month before finally getting into our new place, and we started moving in just yesterday. The Facebook group members were concerned about me during the time period when I was unable to communicate online and tell them I was okay. That's continued into wonderful generosity like Ruskin. He was someone else's purchase, but she wanted to send him to me as a Christmas gift when I posted that I was disappointed to have missed him on the new US Charlie Bears Direct page. I still can't believe how awesome my fellow bear collectors are! I've only been collecting for almost 3 years, but I've seen more kindness, love and generosity in that time than in decades of doll collecting.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Arrival Date: 10/4/18

Size: 19"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $47

Thoughts: I cannot believe I got this bear for such a steal! I've bought from the seller many times before, most recently with Whisp, and she's had Twinky up several times for $112, I think. I saw a few days ago that she'd relisted her with a much lower price and I jumped on that $47 Buy It Now. Twinky is a large, weighty, lush bear that was originally $115 at retail. She came out with three friends (Twanky, Twoddle and Dink) and all of them were designed by Charlie. I always liked Twinky best, because she's got the same gorgeous deep blue fur with long light tufts as Luna. They're going to sit together on my shelf. I'm trying to cut back on big bears, but she was irresistible. 

Monday, October 1, 2018


Arrival Date: 10/1/18

Size: 12"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection, QVC US Exclusive

Edition Size: 1500 (Mine is #14.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $63

Thoughts: Denali is McKinley's little cousin. McKinley was last year's QVC exclusive for the US so it made sense to bring the second exclusive out a year later. Denali is much smaller, lighter and squishier plush than McKinley and he lacks the super-soft paw pads, but he's just darling. His little face is adorable and he's very cuddly.


Arrival Date: 10/1/18

Size: 12"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $49.98

Thoughts: Bear Berry wasn't high on my want list, but I knew I'd try her out if she came to QVC US. I love her rich deep red and the cream color complements it nicely. Her fur is very soft and a nice pile length. She's very floppy, light-weight and wobble-jointed, which makes her feel closer to a regular stuffed animal than a Charlie Bear, but it suits her really well. I'm really glad I got her!


Arrival Date: 10/1/18

Size: 16"

Year: 2017 Isabelle Lee Collection

Edition Size: 500 (Mine is #299.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing, 100% Mohair

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $360

Thoughts: I've been paying off Botticelli for 6 months. He's by far the most expensive bear in my collection and I highly doubt I will ever go for another mohair. I love him and he's very unique and definitely my style, but that's a lot of money for a single item! I could have bought so many other bears for the same price. He's pretty damn spectacular though.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Arrival Date: 9/17/18

Size: 15"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1399

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $81.95

Thoughts: Medley was not initially on my pre-order list, but when I saw owner pics of him, I liked him. Since I was doing layaway on three bears, I figured why not make it four and added him to the batch. Hodge was my first paid off layaway and I had to bring Medley home second. His warm colors are a nice contrast to HodgePodge's blue and grays. Medley's colors don't show very well in photos. His left limbs are a pinkish-brown, while the right are more of a lavender/gray/brown. Then of course the regular brown and burgundy patches. Like Hodge, he's super soft and not stuffed as tightly, so he's very squeezable and cuddly.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Arrival Date: 9/14/18

Size: 15"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1770

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $81.95

Thoughts: Hodge won me over early on, but when MishMash arrived first from QVC, I knew I'd end up with all four bears with this theme. MishMash and Caboodle (coming later this year) are bigger with longer fur on their heads and torsos, while Hodge and Medley (coming in a few days) are shorter with shorter fur. The advantage of the shorter fur is that Hodge is really, really soft all over, while Mish is only super soft on his arms and legs. I love both though.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Arrival Date: 9/13/18

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 4720

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $59.98

Thoughts: Chatterbox just arrived. He appeared on US QVC in late July/early August as a pre-order item. They said your bear would be made to order, but mine is dated April, so that was definitely not the case. I don't mind though, because I think that's why he shipped much earlier than expected. He's very cute, although I'm not normally a fan of the open-mouthed ones. He makes my second one after Biddles. I almost didn't get him, because I thought he was cute, but he's one of the most often posted bears on Facebook and you get tired of seeing him. You get REALLY tired of seeing him fake-eating things. Thankfully, Chatterbox fever has died down so I'm more enthusiastic about owning one now. He'll never be a huge favorite, but he is decidedly cute.


Arrival Date: 9/13/18

Size: 15"-16"

Year: 2015 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $57

Thoughts: I've wanted Whisp since I first saw her, but unlike Wisteria, she wasn't on Charlie Bears Direct. I missed out on her a few times on ebay, especially recently, but then the perfect one finally appeared! From an American seller I've bought from before! She's the lovely grayish lavender shade of Wisteria and the same super soft tyber fur, but her arms and legs have a wispy (of course) longer fur on them that looks pretty wild. She's awesome.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Arrival Date: 9/10/18

Size: 12"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 2150

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $65.62

Thoughts: Mattie is one of those random print bears that I liked some of, but not all of, so I didn't order her when she first appeared with the other newbies. I wanted one with the dark brown on a lot of the face. The lighter ones are cute, but not nearly as cute to me as the dark. But when the 6 Easy Pays offer came up recently, I decided to take a chance and have a look at her. I mean, for less than $11 a month, it seemed like the right time. So she arrived today and I was shocked for three reasons. First, UPS got here before 4PM, which is incredibly unusual. Typically, they're 4:30 at the very earliest. Second, I actually got a Mattie with a dark face! Even if it's not dark all the way, I like the half dark look and I love the little dark eyebrow on the light side. Third, she's tiny! She's 12", but she's one of those that's all height and nothing else. She's got to be one of my lightest bears. She's a nice, squishy, lightweight plush. So yeah, she's definitely sticking around. I believe the real Mattie is a guy, but mine seems to be a girl. I keep thinking "she" when I look at her.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Arrival Date: 8/30/18

Size: 13"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 585 (Mine is #476.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing

Purchased From: Charlie Bears Direct

Cost: $55

Thoughts: Elspeth got recalled earlier in the year, so I sent mine back, not wanting her to fall apart. (Honestly, only a complete idiot would not send back a defective bear.) Her replacement finally arrived today. She's definitely got more of a purple tone to her pink now and her lighter face is much more full. I love the new key and she's a lot softer than she was!

Monday, August 20, 2018


Arrival Date: 8/20/18

Size: 9"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $50.95

Thoughts: Tadam was a very late arrival from the 2017 collection. He and several others only just made it to the US recently. I always liked him, but didn't have him on preorder. When I remembered to go look at his photos in the BAMS album, I fell in love with this particular one and purchased him over the weekend. He's a fat little grump and I love it.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

WINTER (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/9/18

Size: 11"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $49.80

Thoughts: Winter was an unplanned QVC purchase. I always thought she and Summer (who's basically Winter but brown) were cute, but not cute enough to import. I was pleased with the opportunity to buy her within the US. Winter is a standing bear and her tiny size makes her able to be displayed just about anywhere. She has a cute, itty bitty face and soft limbs.


Arrival Date: 8/9/18

Size: 14"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $59.98

Thoughts: I have wanted Elizabeth since she debuted probably almost a year ago in the UK. We Americans had thought she was coming for the spring QVC show, but she got bumped to July/August's. She is absolutely stunning in person. She isn't the softest bear, but she makes up for it by being singularly beautiful. I love her!

Monday, August 6, 2018

BUMBLE BEE (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 16"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $68.48

Thoughts: I wasn't sold on Bumble (I leave off the Bee) when the UK got him, but seeing him in action on our QVC show made me want to try him out. My mom really loves him and while he's my least favorite of today's six arrivals, he's by no means a slouch. It's just hard to compare to ones I've wanted since the catalog came out or stunners like Jan and Sharon. He's actually living in Mom's room so she can smile at him. Maybe he'll become her bear! I do plan on taking him out for cuddles though, when it's his turn. (He's kind of got a long line ahead of him, poor guy.)


Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1950

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $79.48

Thoughts: First thing's first, that's Jan with a Y sound, the male name. Not Jan like Janet. (The people calling him the female name are annoying me.) Jan was another surprise like Sharon and I was super thrilled to get him. He sold out while the show was still on air! I have his brother Hakatan on pre-order from the regular 2018 collection and he's not supposed to come in 'til fourth quarter, so I'm extra happy to have Jan here early. He's extremely soft and I love his dark brown color. (Hakatan is black.)


Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1100

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $79.20

Thoughts: Sharon was one of the QVC offerings this go 'round that I was pleasantly surprised to see. I wanted her when the UK got her, but didn't import. (I figured she'd come over here eventually, because she's named after an American CB employee.) I got two Sharons to pick from and both were just stunning. She's sister to Ainsley (I got him last QVC show) and Stuart (I need him still).


Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 16"ish (He's described as 12.5", but he's bigger.)

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1050

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: Lowry was the other Bearhouse offering for 2018 that I was really excited for. I love African painted dogs and he looks spot on. He's so gorgeous! He's made of several different types of plush and he has a long tail you can't see in the photo. His expression is very intelligent and I just adore him!


Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 16-18"ish (He's described as 12", but he's more like 13" seated and then his legs and claws add several more inches.)

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1790

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $53.95

Thoughts: Dringle is from the Bearhouse range, which means he's not jointed like regular Charlie Bears. There is literally no other difference though, because the details on the Bearhouse animals I have actually far surpass the majority of the regular CBs I own. Dringle was my second most wanted of the 2018 collection after Bundle. I adore sloths. They're one of my favorite animals. (They're like top 2 with tapirs.) Dringle was supposed to be first quarter, but he got delayed and he was worth waiting for. He's quite big and hefty with a weighted rear, and his long claws are actually poseable. He's the best sloth I've ever seen that wasn't alive!


Arrival Date: 8/6/18

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1530

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $81.95

Thoughts: Bundle was my very favorite from the 2018 catalog. He jumped out at me right away. The only other one to even come close was Dringle and they're in different categories. I was thrilled to be able to get this particular Bundle, because he has a very full muzzle and none of the others did. It gives him some sass and I think it goes nicely with his tubby belly. Bundle is gorgeous colors and while he's not the softest bear, his face and colors make up for it. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Arrival Date: 7/11/18

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2014

Edition Size: 2500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: The Doll Lady

Cost: $78 (Retail $96.95)

Thoughts: I've had my eye on Bashful for a few months now. He kept popping up on ebay and being cute. Being that the US hasn't gotten any new deliveries in ages, I asked if any of the US stockists had him and I got lucky. And he was on sale! I haven't had a good cuddle with him yet, but his fur is incredibly soft and it's gorgeous colors. Most of it has a dark underside with the lighter tipping. I keep touching him, because he's got to be one of the softest bears I own. He's fabulous!

Monday, June 11, 2018


Arrival Date: 6/11/18

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2012

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $55

Thoughts: Dally! I have wanted her for probably over a year now and she kept popping up from UK sellers when I didn't have enough money. Recently, she was on ebay from a US seller, but I was sad when I missed her. It was a couple days before payday. This time though, I managed to get her and from a nice member of the Facebook CB groups, too. Dally's a great assortment of colors. Her basic tan is well set-off by her pink/brown arm, blue arm, gray leg and lavender leg. The blue and pink also run up her back, while her ears are the purple and gray. A little bit of blue is by each eye, too, so Miss Dally has some lovely makeup on. She's just fantastic in person.

SKIP (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 6/11/18

Size: 11"

Year: 2018 Summer Meadow Collection

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Partially free with Rewards (Retail $65.95)

Thoughts: Skip was an add-on pre-order when I saw UK people's pics of him. He is very deceptive! I saw pictures of a buttercream yellow bunny and he is not that yellow in person. He's more of a dark cream color than yellow. His torso also hides a secret. It's purple! That's purple fur tipped in the lighter shade and it was a nice surprise in person. Skip's really cute and little. I think he's my favorite CB bunny so far, even with the surprise colors.


Arrival Date: 6/11/18

Size: 15"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 2529

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with Rewards (Retail $77.95)

Thoughts: Poor Licky Tissue is one of the cutest 2018 bears graced with one of the worst CB names ever. It's supposed to be when a mom licks a tissue to wipe dirt off a kid's face, but I really don't think we need to saddle a poor bear with that name, do we? I'll come up with something better eventually, but for now, he's just Licky. Licky's one of those with a deceptive height. He's 15" but he's a lot of leg, so he actually is pretty short when he sits, which is great for display purposes. I've got him seated with McKinley right now.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

RAINDROP (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/29/18

Size: 7"

Year: 2018 Minimo Collection

Edition Size: 1000 (Mine is #402.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $111.95

Thoughts: Peashoot and Raindrop are my first ever fully mohair bears. Technically, Botticelli is, since I ordered him last year, but I'm still paying him off, so these two are the first to actually arrive. Raindrop was a later add-on to my pre-order list, but I'm glad I got him. He contrasts nicely with Peashoot. And he looks like a Raindrop. A little dark and melancholy. The mohair feels nice, but it's not something I'd ever pick over plush. Plush are cuddly. Based on this and my experience with plumo bears, mohair really isn't. I need to pick up little display boxes for these two now. They're adorable and tiny.


Arrival Date: 5/29/18

Size: 7"

Year: 2018 Minimo Collection

Edition Size: 1000 (Mine is #309.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $111.95

Thoughts: Peashoot and Raindrop are my first ever fully mohair bears. Technically, Botticelli is, since I ordered him last year, but I'm still paying him off, so these two are the first to actually arrive. Peashoot went right on my pre-order list when I saw him. I love the soft pink with the green. Raindrop got added later. My Peashoot has the cutest face by far of the ones I had to pick from. My mom loves this guy, too. The mohair feels nice, but it's not something I'd ever pick over plush. Plush are cuddly. Based on this and my experience with plumo bears, mohair really isn't. I need to pick up little display boxes for these two now. They're adorable and tiny.

Friday, May 11, 2018


Arrival Date: 5/11/18

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2017 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1100

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: About $58

Thoughts: Oh, Macaroon. I fell in love with this design back in September 2017 when QVC UK got him. I contemplated having a UK friend help me get him, but then there became a possibility that he'd make it to our QVC, so I waited. Then he showed up on CB Direct Australia, sold out on QVC UK and the US QVC March show passed with no older Secret Collection bears, so I became a bit worried. He returned to QVC UK, but there was no chance for me to ask for help, because you saw how many bears I've been getting! Paying double shipping was out of the question. Last week, he turned up on regular CB Direct FINALLY. My mom helped me get him, because I was a few bucks short, and he arrived today. Although it was not a happy delivery. The lazyass carrier took him to the office instead of my door, so I saw that my package was delivered and a stranger signed for it and I flipped out. Thankfully, I thought to call the office and fetched him from there. I'm still mad though and when I opened poor Macaroon's box, he looked mad, too. He's more serious-looking than a lot of other Macaroons I've seen. He's got a less rounded bobble head. It's more in proportion. I like it though. His colors are so cool and unique. I'm a sucker for the tipped fur that shows off another color underneath when you touch it. You can see the white splotch on his belly from where my hand was. So yes, all troubles aside, I think we're going to bond just fine.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Arrival Date: 5/9/18

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 2783

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $86.95

Thoughts: Taggle caught my eye when people in the UK started getting him. I like all the patchwork bears in this year's collection, but there are a lot and I couldn't pre-order them all. Raggle and Taggle were cute, but I went with Hodge Podge instead and later added Caboodle to go with MishMash. But upon seeing Raggle, I liked him, and then waited to see Taggle, who I preferred of the pair. I liked him, too. So when BAMS did a Cinco de Mayo promotion and I'd made some money on sales, I opted to adopt Taggle and ended up with not only him, but a $5 gift certificate, a cute mini plush Boyd's Bear, two Charlie Bears magnets, and a $25 Amazon gift card from the prize drawings! Taggle is incredibly soft and it's amazing how many different plushes he uses. There's cream, pink, beige, light blue, the pebbly-looking one, dark gray, a white-tipped gray, regular gray and a whiter gray. NINE different types of plush! All in one bear! I'm going to need Raggle now. Sigh!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Arrival Date: 5/1/18

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2014 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $48

Thoughts: I've wanted Who Mee? for maybe a year or more now, but his timing is never right. Either I have no money or the price is a bit high or the price is right, but the bear looks a bit bedraggled. Well, finally, the right guy for me appeared on ebay and at the right time. Who Mee? is so adorable and expressive! I love his bent knees and elbows and his big paws. The lower-set downturned ears are also perfect. He's just darling.

Monday, April 30, 2018


Arrival Date: 4/30/18

Size: 18"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 4000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $94.95 after coupon (Retail $104.95)

Thoughts: People went nuts over an early ad featuring the Year Bear. I thought she was very cute and looked soft, but wasn't as smitten as others seemed. Now I finally have her in my hands and she's lovely. The lighter fur on her head and body is super soft and the rest isn't bad either. Even her mohair isn't as rough as other plumos I've had. She's a very feminine, elegant bear.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Arrival Date: 4/9/18

Size: 18"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $79.95 on Today's Special (Retail $114.95)

Thoughts: Despite my love of orange bears (my favorite bear color group along with red and green), I somehow didn't notice Tango for ages. Then I fell in love with this particular one. I was planning on buying him two months ago, but then Agnes went on Today's Special and I got her instead. I kept thinking of Tango, but my money went to QVC bears, older finds and 2018 pre-orders. Then he was Today's Special a few days ago and I managed to have enough to get the one I wanted, although it took all my fun money for the week. This particular Tango is amazing though. He has the most judgmental expression on his face, like he knows I really shouldn't have spent on him when I should have been saving. His fur is mostly beige, but it's got rust tipping, so he looks orange more than anything else. Some places have just plain rust and others are this wonderful striping. He's not the softest, but he's still plenty cuddly. He's a heavy boy and at 18", I've had to do some rearranging to get him a place, but he's going on the orange shelf with Autumn, Pumpkin Pie, Biddles and Kaycee Bears Tango.