Thursday, January 24, 2019


Arrival Date: 1/24/19

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1850

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Beacon's Glow

Cost: $108.95

Thoughts: Shani is one of those bears that it took me some time to want. I loved her name right away, because it makes me think of Shani from Christopher Pike's Weekend. But the bear herself I never pre-ordered or really took a good look at until a few months ago. A stockist posted one of hers on Facebook and she was just gorgeous, but I couldn't afford one at the time, so she got pushed to the back of my mind. My usual stockist had sold out and I don't think many people in the US had her for sale. Then by a twist of fate, I saw a screencap of the Beacon's Glow CB page a few days ago and there Shani was! I emailed about her right away and she arrived today. She's a big girl, which is one of the reasons I wasn't really into her at first, trying to cut down on the bigger adoptions since I was running out of space. I love her face and her soft arms and legs. She's gorgeous.

Monday, January 7, 2019


Arrival Date: 1/7/19

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1850

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $78

Thoughts: Like Layla, I was never sure on Sadie. I knew I liked her, but none of the ones from stockists really spoke to me, so I took my chances on a blind order from QVC and was not a bit disappointed. Mine has a little quirk to her head so she looks very inquisitive. She's a nice fat bear with skinnier arms and legs to emphasize her round, fluffy belly and head. 

LAYLA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 1/7/19 (Rehomed 2/25/21)

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2017

Designer: Charlie Bears

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $55

Thoughts: Layla is one I was never 100% sure on, so when she appeared on QVC, I figured it was an opportunity to try her out with an easy return policy. I opened up the box, turned her over and fell in love. She's another really lightweight bear like Mattie and she's just darling.