Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Arrival Date: 8/28/19

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 650

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $79.96

Thoughts: BNBP wasn't one really on my want list until I saw owner photos of him. Then I hoped we'd get him on US QVC so I could order and we did! I really love the darker muzzle mine has and his longer fur is several different lengths. He's like a little misfit bear.


Arrival Date: 8/28/19

Size: 16"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1440 (Mine is #773.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Oona! I honestly was least sure of her of all four Queen's Beasts, but then I saw better pics of her. I realized she had blue eyes and that flyaway blonde mane, and that there was no doubt about it, she was based on Oona the fairy from Legend! She is incredibly soft and delicately beautiful. I'm completely in love with her.


Arrival Date: 8/28/19

Size: 13"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1150

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: Adelaide is a fennec fox and she's super cute! I had two to pick from and chose the sadder one, but from the side, she has an adorable smile.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Arrival Date: 8/22/19

Size: 14"ish

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 994

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $63

Thoughts: ZigZag is a rather confusing little creature. I was quite shocked when I learned he's supposed to be an aardvark. The ears and snout are far too short and the head needs to be much more tapered. But that aside, he is pretty cute. From the neck down, the body is excellent. I didn't pre-order him, because I wasn't into the design, but when he turned up on QVC a few days ago, I decided to give him an audition. QVC is perfect for trying out a new character without the commitment of having to buy them outright and not be able to return them. That's exactly what I needed with ZigZag. So I pulled him out of his box and I love how he feels. He's not powder soft, but his fur is nice pile and I always love a good tub. A lot of the Bearhouse characters have a tub. He won me over and he's sticking around. But he still doesn't really look like an aardvark!

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Arrival Date: 8/17/19

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: The Doll Lady

Cost: $90

Thoughts: Lani and Zadie were a pair I was interested in since they came out, but they're also extremely prone to looking very, very different from bear to bear, so I was concerned about importing sight unseen. So when CB Direct US got them in, I was excited, because even though I couldn't choose my own bears, I knew they'd at least be easier to return. However, I ended up not ordering either of them right away and they went off the website. By the time they returned, we learned that our US stockists would be getting some. Mine got the short end of the stick and missed out on several bears, so I ended up buying the pair from a different stockist, who's also very nice. (They all are!) When it came time to pick, I struggled. Both of them have these quite round, puffy heads and sometimes they're just not cute. Zadie took a lonnnnng time to pick. I even had to ask for a photo of this one next to another. But I finally chose and no regrets. She's adorable.

LANI (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/17/19 (Rehomed 1/23)

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: The Doll Lady

Cost: $90

Thoughts: Lani and Zadie were a pair I was interested in since they came out, but they're also extremely prone to looking very, very different from bear to bear, so I was concerned about importing sight unseen. So when CB Direct US got them in, I was excited, because even though I couldn't choose my own bears, I knew they'd at least be easier to return. However, I ended up not ordering either of them right away and they went off the website. By the time they returned, we learned that our US stockists would be getting some. Mine got the short end of the stick and missed out on several bears, so I ended up buying the pair from a different stockist, who's also very nice. (They all are!) When it came time to pick, I struggled. Both of them have these quite round, puffy heads and sometimes they're just not cute. But this little Lani jumped right out at me. She's the one I tend to favor less, because I prefer gray to brown, but she's actually the cuter of the pair.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

SHELBY (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/13/19

Size: 15"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $90

Thoughts: Shelby is one I thought was cute from the regular collection, but it wasn't until she hit QVC that I considered giving her a chance. I was so iffy on her that I wanted a way to return her if I wasn't bonding. I got her on 6 Easy Pays so perfect opportunity! She is really cute in person and I like her colors. She's sitting happily with Elizabeth and Tatum.

Monday, August 12, 2019

KENYA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/12/19 (Rehomed 6/23)

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1150

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $62

Thoughts: Kenya's been on for a little while now and I finally got around to ordering him after returning a couple extras from the past show. This is one gorgeous giraffe! He's quite large and I think he actually has a cuter face than other Charlie Bears giraffes. Except Gilbert, but Gilbert's more stylized, less realistic.

Monday, August 5, 2019

SIENNA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/5/19 (Rehomed 11/23)

Size: 13"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1160

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $64.92

Thoughts: I wasn't sold on Sienna until they put her on the show and my mom went "Are you sure you don't want her?" So off I went to, but I had just missed her. I had her in my cart, but when I got a couple steps into checkout, she was suddenly gone. I put myself on the wishlist for her and I swear, I had to be first in line or close to it, because within a day, she went from "waitlist" to "in process." Then came the crossing of fingers, because I knew she was a one-shot deal. If I didn't get a cute one, I'd either have to keep an uncute bear or return her and never have a Sienna in my hug. Thankfully, I opened up this tiny grumpass and I love her. I thought she was similar in size to Cara and Candice, but she's quite a bit smaller. She's not quite as cute as they are, but she's still adorable. No regrets adding her to my purchases.

ULRIKA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/5/19 (Rehomed 3/8/21)

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $85.68

Thoughts: Ulrika was a whim purchase. She's a similar model to Karl, who I love, and I adore her name, though I prefer the spelling Ulrike, as it's a very German name. I prefer that pronunciation, too. They kinda mangled it on the QVC presentation, although perhaps that's correct in another country. But it is a Germanic name, so I go with the German. I opened her first today and she's just lovely. Absolutely perfect. She sits wonderfully on the gray bear shelf with Kerri, Shani, Bindi, Winter, Layla and Higgle. Karl is on the shelf right below her on the opposite corner.


Arrival Date: 8/5/19

Size: 15"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1100

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $74.96

Thoughts: Aside from Lollipop, Cherry Pie and Lena, Waffle was the bear I was most interested in. I hoped for one with a cute face, because I only bought one. I think this guy has a great face, but I'm not 100% on his muzzle markings. He's got light patches, which he's supposed to, but they make a stripe right down his mouth. He's been sitting here with me while I did a bunch of doll deboxing, photo uploading and now reviewing, so he's grown on me a lot. I considered buying another and seeing which I preferred, but now I'm thinking I'll just keep this guy. He's a lot bigger than I expected! I get 15" bears sometimes and they seem tiny, but he's got a lot of heft. Very solid and chunky. I love his warm browns, too.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Arrival Date: 8/1/19

Size: 10"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1210

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $54.98

Thoughts: Ah, Lena! I liked her from the Sneaky Peeks catalog, but paid zero attention to her size. She is tiny! At 10", she's around the same size as little Diddums. She's a pale bluish-gray and lavender and her fur is really soft. I took a chance and only ordered one, but she's perfect, so no need to worry! I only hope my other single orders from QVC turn out as cute.