Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/18/19

Size: 16"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1460

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $89.95

Thoughts: Errol's green brother has arrived! Flynn is a super dark green and I love it. He's as soft and cuddly as Errol. Now we just need to get Geronimo home so all three brothers can be together.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/17/19

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2012 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing bear

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $61 before shipping

Thoughts: Sausage has been my most wanted bear for I think years now. I finally scooped up a good one on ebay from the UK. He took ages getting here, but he arrived today with a nice hole in the side of the box. Ugh. I love this bear's coloring. The rust and white and all the browns. He's a standing bear, which I don't normally like as well as the others, but he makes it work. His body is super soft and cuddly, too. He's a squishy one! I'm so glad he's home at last.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/12/19

Size: 14"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 248

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $63

Thoughts: I wasn't impressed with Wren's promo photo, so I didn't order one. Then of course when people started getting him, I fell in love. Thankfully, all the Cuddle Time bears went back up for sale and I was able to get Wren home after all! I'm thankful I got a cute one. He's wobbly and skinny and awkward, but it all adds up to adorable.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/8/19

Size: 11"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1600

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $59

Thoughts: Levi was not one on my wishlist, but when BAMS got him in, I saw a couple I thought were cute. Those of course were adopted, so I put him out of my mind. Then he turned up on QVC and I put him on my wishlist there and waited for the right sale. 6 Easy Pays? Done. And naturally, that means today it's 6 Easy Pays AND free shipping, but oh, well. Little Levi was worth it. He's a pint-sized fellow, but still bigger than the other recent arrivals. I like the blend of colors in his fur: black, white, grays, even a smidge of brown. But the blue nose is what makes him extra cute. Without it, I don't know if I would have adopted him.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/6/19

Size: 12"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $55

Thoughts: Finally Billabong! He was some sort of show exclusive thingy for a while, but then made it to the US at last. He's supposed to be Splodge's brother, but he looks more like Bud and Bing's to me, so he's sitting with them. I love mine and all the different colors on his face.

NISSA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 12/6/19

Size: 8.5"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 380

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $49

Thoughts: Darling little Nissa is a fairy bear! I love her fur. I don't have my Potions or Broom yet to compare, but I think she's going to match them quite well. She has a headband of flowers that you can't see under her long fur, but it's a cute touch. And she's just so lightweight! I can't believe how delicate she is. Definitely a little bear fairy!


Arrival Date: 12/6/19

Size: 8.5"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 450

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $45

Thoughts: Tiny little Sherbert Pip goes along with Caramel. She even has the same birthday, which is also my birthday! I'm not sure what exactly her name is. It's Sherbet on the website, but Sherbert on her tag.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Arrival Date: 12/4/19

Size: 19"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 2000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $52.98 (Original $105.95)

Thoughts: I have been interested in this bear for well over a year! She was on my low-key wishlist from BAMS that contained bears I'd pick up if I had the spare money. But her full price tag was a little high for an unplanned bear expense. It's oddly expensive for a Heather Lyell bear. Hers are usually the far cheaper ones. Like Roman and Eleanor are the same height as Artemis, but cost $97.95 and they're from this year's collection. Anyway, I've seen Artemis on ebay a few times, but none have been as cute as this particular one. So this year, Valerie decided to do an amazing Black Friday sale and there were different markdowns for each bear. The oldest ones were half off! I saw my opportunity to finally bring Artemis home and here she is. She's the largest Heather Lyell bear I own that's not one of the skinny "Magical Snugglies" ones like Roman, Eleanor, Mystery and Scrummy. She's also unusual in that she has brown eyes. Most Lyells just have the simple black eyes. I love her colors and she's nice and cuddly. Susan has claimed her for the curmudgeon shelf and she fits there perfectly.