Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Arrival Date: 2/26/20

Size: 16"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1245

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $109.95

Thoughts: Brimble is quite unique with that thatch of hair on the top of his head. He and Hawkins stood out in the catalog because of that hair, but I wasn't convinced I was getting him until I saw mine. That face! He's a nice rich rust color and he's tyber, so again, super soft!

OLLIBOBS (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 2/26/20

Rehomed: 1/2/22

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $137.95

Thoughts: Ollibobs caught my attention in the catalog, but didn't completely blow me away, and when I saw his higher price tag, I decided I'd make the final call on him once I saw owner photos. And then all the owner photos were far better than the promo pic! He is one stunningly soft bear. Both his lighter and darker furs are tyber, which is the incredibly soft stuff, while his muzzle and ear lining is mohair. He's tall, but not overwhelming, as he's on the skinnier side. Most of his height is in those legs! I should note that he's wearing his necklace from BAMS. That did not come with him.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Arrival Date: 2/8/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $18.95 after rewards (Retail $118.95)

Thoughts: My first 2020 bear! And she's an amazing one. She's soft and cuddly and wonderful. Big, but not too big. And that face. She's so cute! I love the little pink toes, too. Now I'm even more excited for Soda Pop and Cheese Whizz, the other two in the trio.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

WHOOOO (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: 11"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1110

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $59.95

Thoughts: Whoooo was the surprise hit of the Magical Cauldron Collection. This guy sold fast! He's a darling little ghost though, so I can see why. He's cute with or without his hat, but I like it on. I just pull some wisps out from under it to look more ghostly. And I just made a ghost post. I hit submit and then saw two posts for Whoooo. I looked at the first and it was completely blank, so I deleted it. Looked at the second and it was just his name. So let's see if this posts!


Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: 18" but seems longer

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 600 (Mine is #253.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $129.95

Thoughts: I went out of alphabetical order to put Winco after Slow. If Slow is the cutest of the Fables, Winco is the downright coolest. When have you ever seen such a gorgeous, jointed plush grasshopper? He has 11 points of articulation! 11! His wings move and his legs are jointed in two places on each leg. He's amazing.


Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: Officially 14", but he's definitely longer than that.

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 600 (Mine is #251.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $119.95

Thoughts: Oh, Slow Coach! Definitely the cutest of the Fables collection. Pictures don't even capture how adorable he is. I love him. I think a lot of people slept on this series and they're going to regret missing out on this guy. SO CUTE.


Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: 10"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1150

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: Potions is the lovely diminutive purple witch, as opposed to Broom, who's the larger one. Potions also uses more of that pink-streaked purple fur. I love the pink lock right in her face. I've got this collection sitting on the same shelf as Fey and Nissa, and they all match perfectly.


Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: 13"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1899

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $72.95

Thoughts: Kyra was one of my add-on pre-orders. I only ordered her after I saw people's photos. Although she did catch my eye in the catalog. I did not get my first choice, who I believe went first, but this one called out to me. She's got way closer together eyes than other Kyras and that appealed to me. I think this is actually going to be a boy though, so meet Kyran. Pretty sure this is tyber plush, too, so it's super soft goodness.

CHINA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 2/6/20 (Rehomed)

Size: 18.5"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 2000 (Mine is #731.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $97.95

Thoughts: The first of the Queen's Beasts series is the last I brought home. We got a bit of a delay on China here in the US. I should call him China the Impossible to Photograph Bull, because he is so dark that his pictures just don't come out. You'll have to trust me on his cuteness.

BROOM (Rehomed) & STICKS

Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size: Broom 17" and Sticks 13" seated

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1000 (Mine is #662.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $111.95

Thoughts: STICKS. I admit, I bought this set because of Sticks. I love Broom, but I probably would have skipped over her in favor of just Potions if not for the presence of Sticks. Maybe not though. Broom is really pretty and she's the only member of this little Halloween collection that's bigger, so she's more easily cuddled. While similar to Potions, she's more solid black and purple than the purple mixed with pink fur. Sticks though. He's ADORABLE. And he is jointed just like the rest of the regular plush collection. When are you going to see a plush broom again? Come on. Had to have him.


Arrival Date: 2/6/20

Size:  17"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 1300

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $77.95

Thoughts: I finally got my giant layaway from the 3rd quarter home! Angel Cake was one I wasn't 100% on, but I did like this particular one a lot. I pulled her out of the tissue paper and she fell into my arms with her cuddliness and yeah, she's a keeper. Like little Fairy Cake, Angel Cake is a softer, squishier bear, which is amazing for hugging. I think this explosive purple fur is what may be used on this year's Angelica, too, so she'll fit right in. But if you like purple and soft bears, you need Angel Cake.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Arrival Date: 2/5/20

Size: 12"

Year: 2019

Edition Size: 252

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $46 after coupon (Retail $56)

Thoughts: I was a bit annoyed the US got left out when it came to Fey's release. She wasn't part of our Christmas Cuddle Time and it's taken quite some weeks to finally get her over here. I used my $10 coupon on her, which leaves me with none left, exactly as I wanted. She's more simple in coloring than Nissa, but I actually like Fey better. There's just something about her. I love that I can move her facial fur into two wispy tufts over her eyes, almost like fairy antennae.