Arrival Date: 9/10/20
Size: 18"
Year: 2020
Designer: Isabelle Lee
Purchased From: Razberry Threads
Cost: $110
Thoughts: Peach was not on my radar at first. Her partner Strudel is the one that immediately got pre-ordered. But Peach came out first and people's pictures and descriptions slowly won me over. Not enough to pre-order one though, because I knew I'd be bottom of the pile. Razberry Threads is a local stockist in downtown Asheville at the Grove Arcade, which is a moderately upscale mall in an elegant old building. I've been wanting to go for ages, but when they posted pictures of Peach, I finally made plans to do so. I don't like how they have the bears arranged. All of them are above your head unless you're super tall and some are behind the counter. So bonding with them is basically impossible. But I knew who I wanted and pulled her down from her spot beside Danuta. Peach doesn't have what I'd call long pile fur, but it's not short either. Medium pile? I guess? She's very soft and cuddly, and she's quite lightweight for her size. Mine's a little bit disgruntled-looking, probably because she was stuck on a high shelf away from potential adopters. Heh.