Arrival Date: 10/25/21
Size: 13"
Year: 2021 QVC/CB Direct Exclusive
Designer: Isabelle Lee
Purchased From: CB Direct UK
Cost: About $92
Thoughts: Ragsy was featured on the last Sneaky Peeks magazine, so when it was revealed she would only be for sale on QVC UK, there were a lot of unhappy American collectors. I understand they were celebrating being with QVC for 15 years, but considering how behind the US is with deliveries (no matter how much it makes sense) seeing another thing the UK got and we didn't wasn't the best feeling. Thankfully, several people got help from wonderful UKers. I couldn't afford it, so I expected not to get one. Then CB Direct said they'd be getting some in and they ship internationally, so I put myself on the wishlist, got the email and bought her. I don't have the original Ragsy, though I do have Dolce, who's very similar. I prefer this 13" size to the original 10" honestly. I wish they'd do Dolce, too! Ragsy is very soft and lovely colors.