Monday, November 15, 2021

RHEYA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/15/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Best Friends Club Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $70

Thoughts: Oh, Rheya. It's been an insane year for CBs and the Best Friends Club exclusive bears were no exception. They finally figured out they could offer us US members the chance to purchase our exclusives directly from the UK Bearhouse. Some opted to do so with Rheya, while others opted to wait and adopt her once she got to the US Cubhouse. I chose the UK, because I'm impatient that way. It's honestly not that much more and you get your order super fast. However, then the Rheyas were delayed getting to the UK! But they finally made it and I was able to order her and get her home before vacation. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about her, but I knew I wanted her. My plan was to keep her on hand to use as trade bait in case I wasn't selected for Turret or Chimney. However, I have Perky for that now if it comes to it or I can just suck it up and overpay. I'm hoping I get picked for both though! Anyway, my plan went out the window the second I got a look at Rheya's face. She's not going anywhere! She's gorgeous. Perfect little darker "makeup" lines on the outer edges of her eyes. Her colors are lovely, too, and she's cuddly. A lot of people love her and I'm now one of them for sure.