Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Arrival Date: 12/20/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Lovely Bears Australia

Cost: Gift (Retail $106.95)

Thoughts: I LOVE Chester. I've wanted them to do a tree kangaroo for ages and unlike some of the others I really wanted (quokka), they did a great job of capturing the animal's likeness in the plush. If you know what a tree kangaroo is, you know immediately that Chester is one. Like a lot of the modern Bearhouse, he's made of many different fabrics. The warm brown on his body feels like it's tyber, it's that soft. It could be. I'm just not used to them using it for the Bearhouse line. I loved the expression on this particular guy. He's very sweet and hopeful. Definitely the best Bearhouse of the year so far. 


 Arrival Date: 12/20/22

Size: 13"

Year: 2010

Edition Size: 1800

Designer: Christine Pike

Purchased From: Collector on FB

Cost: $25

Thoughts: Paul! I've wanted this guy for years. I figured I'd have to import, which is why I haven't gotten him before. He's popular, so he can be in the $150-200 range once shipping is factored in. But a seller on FB recently had him and I got him for an absolute steal. He's missing his paper tags, but who cares? It's Paul! If I can get a good deal on a bear within the US, I don't care if he's got tags or not. He's well worth it. He's a total stocky chub like Sid, who is my only other one from his particular designer. I wish she'd done more. I love her work. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022


Arrival Date: 12/17/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: ebay (Cindy Lewellen)

Cost: $107.10 (Retail $126)

Thoughts: Wow. I thought this guy was cute in the catalogue, but he was a bit pricey for his size, so I ended up skipping him. When people started posting pics, I again thought he was cute and kept peeking at QVC and Amazon to see if he'd be offered in either place. I figured the shipment arriving with my stockist would be all taken and I wanted him now. So when this one popped up on ebay, I totally fell for his face AND he was 15% off! The total of bear, ebay tax and shipping came out less than his retail cost! When I opened him after work tonight, I realized why he's more expensive for a 14" bear. He's tyber! And plumo. His mohair is actually super soft for once. I really like it. He's a wonderfully soft little cuddler with the cutest face. I'm so glad I treated myself!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Arrival Date: 12/14/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $71.95 (Retail $109.95)

Thoughts: I've had my eye on this Magda ever since BAMS got her in. I had almost enough rewards points but then spent them on the Birthday Bear instead. So when Valerie did her huge post-Black Friday sale and I saw Magda, I had to grab her. I didn't have her shipped til I got home from vacation and she arrived today. I just got home from having a tooth pulled, so Magda will be a nice recovery companion. She's got a very sweet, concerned look on her face. She's a light biscuity color with a very soft, textured fur on her limbs and ears. Her toes, torso and head are all a longer pile, soft fur. She's got quite a bit of weight to her, considering her smaller 15" size. I think she's great. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Arrival Date: 11/28/22

Size: 17"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $168

Thoughts: Trifle is a regular Secret Collection bear, but she was shown on the most recent Cuddle Time, which I missed because I was at work. I preordered one from my stockist and I was pretty low down the choosing list. I initially wasn't that into any of the ones she got in, but then I went through the pictures slowly and decided each one of them had a mood. Making a list of them made some of them very endearing. Sometimes I'm drawn to bears with flaws and Trifle is one of those. Her nose is longer on one side than the other. Her eye whites are totally different. One comes down and lies flat, while the other is crinkled and off to the side more. I knew I wanted this particular one, but then my stockist mentioned a bald spot. She ended up sending me a pic and I opted to stick with this Trifle, because she was already flawed and I knew she needed someone like me to adopt her, not someone super picky. I know collectors that strive for perfection, while I prefer expressiveness. When she arrived, I took a tweezers and gently pulled some of her mohair through the backing beside each eye. So her bald spots got covered up pretty nicely. A lot of the time, the fur is just stuck underneath a bit. Trifle is a lot like Kirsteen. I completely fell for her when I hugged her the first time. Kirsteen was one I knew I'd love but I didn't expect to love her as much as I do. Trifle is one I initially thought I might skip and ended up being one of my top bears for the year. Her face is so endearing, her colors and lovely, her pinky-purple toes are perfection, and she's SUPER cuddly. I'm totally in love. If you like the colors and can afford her price, which I do think is a bit high, you should try her out. 


Arrival Date: 11/28/22

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $115

Thoughts: Now this was another surprise buy! I've seen a lot of Carenzas from owner pics on FB, but never fell for any of them. I have bought several pink or pink-accented bears this year. Lammington and Bumbleberry. Harley. Shortcake. Jam Scone. Kirsteen. Battenberg. Eton. It doesn't seem like many, but that's a lot of pink for me in one year. So Carenza was nowhere near my radar until I saw the ones from BAMS. I fell for not one but THREE of them. One got adopted and then it was down to the choice of two. I ended up with this lady, who was not one of my initial two faves, but my liking for her grew to eclipse the other. I love her pink eyeliner wings. Heh. I saw a review of this bear that said she wasn't soft, but I disagree. She's a similar texture to Nicky. Not everything can be tyber, but that doesn't mean it isn't soft. I'm glad I adopted her. She fits in perfectly with my other pink bears. 


Arrival Date: 11/28/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 300 (Mine is #266.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Mohair

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $315

Thoughts: I am definitely prone to falling in love with a face. However, falling in love with a mohair face is something new. I very rarely buy mohair and when I do, it's always planned. Every mohair I have was a pre-order, except for Plum Crumble, who I had some time to think about before deciding to go for her on that particular Cuddle Time show. I saw Cherish in a shop post on FB and wondered who he was. Then there he was in Valerie's Secret Collection album and I fell for this particular one. Things worked out and I ended up with him. He's a heavy guy. Mohairs are sometimes surprisingly heavy. His fur is purple and brown and it's kind of stringy, unlike any other mohair I own. He's not soft, but he is a cool texture and he makes a nice addition to my mostly mohair shelf. 

Friday, November 25, 2022


Arrival Date: 11/25/22

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $112)

Thoughts: I decided on a whim to get this year's Birthday Bear box. That's the one they do every year where you have no idea what's in it. I've only ever done it once before in 2016 and I've since sold the bear. I also bought 2018's but I knew what she looked like, and again, I've since sold the bear. I used my rewards points to grab this one and figured if I didn't like the bear, at least I hadn't spent money on him. But it's a baby Black Forest Gateux! A lot of people complained about this and I seriously do not understand why. Many past Birthday Bears have been "anniversary" ones, the smaller versions of older bears. Black Forest was very popular and it's tyber fur! I love the smaller tybers. My only wish is that they'd done baby Rum Baba instead of Black Forest, but that's a minor nitpick. This is a fabulous cuddly bear with the same long pile, deep red and black tyber fur that both Rum and Black Forest have. It's the best tyber they've used so far and having it on another bear is perfectly fine by me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Arrival Date: 11/2/22

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $137.95

Thoughts: Eee! I'm so happy I got my first choice of Journey because I love this particular face. He's gorgeous. He's very skinny with long arms and legs and a big tail. The red fur I believe is tyber. It's very soft, while the white and dark brown are less so. I love him. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Arrival Date: 10/29/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $124

Thoughts: Lammington is just like her family: Bumbleberry Pie, Pecan Pie and Blueberry Pudding. Same size, same thick fur, same great level of cuddliness. She is a darker, purpley-pink unlike Bumbleberry's brighter berry pink. 

I don't normally do multiple pics per entry, but here is a shot of all four for comparison: Bumbleberry Pie, Lammington Cake, Pecan Pie and Blueberry Pudding. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Arrival Date: 10/26/22

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Knox was a completely unplanned purchase. He's from the trio that also includes Zach and Greg, both of whom I either have already or have pre-ordered. I skipped Knox because he's the same color as Dreamy, one of my favorite tyber plush. But when I saw the ones my stockist got in, this one jumped out at me, and when he wasn't chosen by anyone, I adopted him. He's the same main color as Dreamy, but the sandy accents and smaller size help him look more different than I expected. Like Zach, he's a small but super cuddly bear. 

GINA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 10/26/22

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $174.95

Thoughts: Gina was one of my few planned bigger bear purchases this year. I simply don't have much space for the big ones, but I rearranged the blue bear space on top of my bookcases and she fits in perfectly. Like Jonathan, Hilary and Janet, she's a bigger bear with long feathery-looking fur. She has a bit of a longer muzzle. She's fairly heavy and thick, so she's an armful, but I think she'll be good for cuddles. I love the little scarf and her colors. 


Arrival Date: 10/26/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $138.95

Thoughts: Lantern has finally made it to the US. Well, he is a lot smaller, so I guess the flight took him that much longer. Lantern is by far the smallest of the plush dragons, smaller even than Grumbleweed, who originated this design. I'm not sure why they choose to do so many in larger sizes when this small size is perfect. He's just as cuddly. I was hoping to have him before Halloween and he made it! I think he might be my favorite of the entire lot. I'm a sucker for orange and my favorite season is fall, so the autumnal dragon seems a perfect choice for my fave. He also absolutely looks like he wants to be up to no good, which is fine by me!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

JONATHAN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 10/15/22

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $160.95

Thoughts: Oh, this guy. I had to wait a bit to get him, because I was far down on the choosing list, but I lucked out and got one of the two I liked best. Mine would definitely not be for the pickier CB collector. He has uneven eye whites and there's actually a sprig of white hair almost completely covering what little eye white there is on his right eye. I love his "please love me" expression! He's a big guy, but not super huge width-wise. His feathery fur is what makes him look so large and he has a large belly. He's quite cuddly and I'm glad he's made it home.


Arrival Date: 10/15/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards! (Retail $80.95)

Thoughts: I really liked Phlox in the catalog, but I was trying not to pick out too much. Once I finally saw owner photos though, I added my name to the preorders. He's hands down my favorite CB bunny ever. I love the wild fabric with the different pattern of flowers in various colors. He's soft and cuddly, and his ears are bendable so he can do a variety of poses. I like how his arms are bent so he can lay them on his ginormous feet or look like he's gesturing. He's a skinny guy, but that doesn't affect his cuddleability. 


Arrival Date: 10/15/22

Size: 11"

Year: 2020

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $53.95

Thoughts: ANGELICA AT LAST! Angelica is a bear from 2020 that somehow got pushed all the way to January of this year. That's when her tag tells me she was manufactured. The extra wild thing is that she's been sitting in a warehouse since January and they didn't try to push to get her to us faster, even though they knew we've been waiting for 2 years. I'm thrilled to finally have her home and she's going to sit very nicely on my purple bears shelf with Angel Cake, who's a similar color. She's an adorable tiny fluffball. 

Monday, September 26, 2022


Arrival Date: 9/26/22

Size: 21"

Year: 2022 Cuddle Time Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct 

Cost: $235

Thoughts: Ah, here we thought 2022 had no dragons, but Charlie surprised us and herself when Embers made it into the sticker book and the secret was out! Embers was offered on the most recent Cuddle Time show, which I took off work to be home for. Thankfully, I was able to buy her and she's finally home. We had to wait for the shipment with her in it to get to the Cubhouse in Florida. USPS did their usual failure at updating tracking so I hadn't thought she'd even shipped yet, but she arrived today! She's the biggest size of dragon, the same as Chimney, only she's deep brown soft fur instead of his black. She has a lighter brown belly and her wing and ear lining is a soft pink. Her longer fur spots are a sandy color that goes into a brighter dark pink and end in a much darker pink. I have always loved pink and brown as a color combo, so she makes me very happy! 

Thursday, September 1, 2022


Arrival Date: 9/1/22

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $115

Thoughts: Nicky was a total whim purchase. I paid off my last bears from QVC a couple months ago and when they put new ones on, I decided it was a great time to give Nicky a try. I've never been able to figure out exactly what colors she is from photos. In person, she's absolutely adorable and I regret nothing. Her fur is sort of a light creamy peach color and it's the depth of the pile that gives it that warmer, almost pink tone, but if you look at the fur itself and lay it flat, it's not pink at all. She's tipped in light purple all over, though the purple on her head and torso fur is a little more blue-toned than the purple on her limbs. She's lovely and seems very cuddly. 

Monday, August 29, 2022


 Arrival Date: 8/29/22

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $91

Thoughts: Melbourne is a quokka. My biggest issue with him is that he really doesn't look like a quokka. Quokkas are one of those animals that is so damn quirky and adorable that they look like living plushies. I think they should have left the muzzle fur the same color as the rest of his head. They can have a little bit lighter fur there, but it would have been fine the same color as the rest. Then he needed chubbier cheeks and shorter fur on the face. They've got such a distinctly shaped head that the long fur is covering what cheeks he does have. Don't get me wrong. I think he's adorable, especially now that I have him in hand and can see his smile. Which I failed to photograph, but it's there. I just love quokkas and think they missed the mark a bit. Like Australia, he's got a little pouch, which technically makes him a her, but I don't like forcing genders on my plush unless they're a specific character, and I definitely lean more toward having male plush, so male he shall be and we'll just forget about the pouch. I'm really excited for the next two that should be out. Sydney the echidna is second quarter like Melbourne, so I imagine he's next. And then Chester the tree kangaroo is third quarter and some of those are starting to come out. Those two look quite a lot like their animal inspirations.


Arrival Date: 8/29/22

Size: 11"

Year: 2021

Edition Size: 350 (Mine is #48.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Mohair

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $266

Thoughts: Harley was originally going to be my combined birthday and Christmas gifts back in 2021, but she was delayed so long that I ended up paying for her myself along with Charms. I'm glad to finally have these two out of layaway! Harley is a teeny tiny bear. Not minimo tiny, but still, she's quite small. Very rarely does a mohair "choose me" as the bear people say, but Harley definitely did. While I brought Charms and Runes home thinking they'd sell well if I didn't bond, I never thought I wouldn't bond with Harley, because it takes a very special mohair bear to get my attention and my money. 

CHARMS (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/29/22 (Rehomed 6/23)

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Edition Size: 400 (Mine is #317.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Mohair

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $343

Thoughts: Charms actually came in stock before Runes, but alongside Harley, so being as I couldn't afford two mohairs at the same time, I had to put both on layaway and freed them at last. I like Charms better than Runes (he was kind of apple green) so I plan on keeping her for a while, though she is one I may sell down the line. I like this one's expression and little short hairdo.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Arrival Date: 8/24/22

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2022 Best Friends Club Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $101

Thoughts: I was lucky enough to get Shortcake, even though I had to hide in the bathroom at work to struggle at placing the order on my phone. 6PM was such a bad time for a launch. Ugh. She was the only one I liked from this year's BFC and I'm still not 100% into her. She's a pretty pink bear, but I'm not positive I'll end up bonding with her. She is nice and soft though. She's got that in her favor. I like the color and the dark tipping on the fur. I'll probably end up keeping her for a while. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

GUSTO (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/23/22

Size: 16"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $136

Thoughts: My first dog! I've never been drawn to any of the CB dogs before. I have Lovell the wolf and other wild canines, but no domesticated dogs. There was something about Gusto that drew me to him. Maybe it was the warm brown color. In person, he's even better because he is tyber! Oh, so soft. He'd incredibly cuddly, as are all tybers. They're really worth the extra cost. He may be the only dog for a long time, but I'm glad I added him to my collection.


Arrival Date: 8/23/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $124

Thoughts: Pecan Pie is the Secret Collection sibling to Bumbleberry Pie and Blueberry Pudding. I was honestly expecting someone a little smaller, but he's the same 15" they are. If you like those two, you'll want him also. Or if you like their style but want someone a little more downplayed in color, you'll want Pecan. He has the different-colored face like the other two, but his is more of a blue-gray, so he'd be better for those that didn't like brighter-colored bears. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022


Arrival Date: 8/13/22

Size: 12"

Year: 2022 Paw Store Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $119

Thoughts: Ah, I've been waiting for these two to come out. Jam Scone and Blueberry Pancake go so well together! Both are tiny and adorable. I love the animal print mixed with both the bright and natural colors. 


Arrival Date: 8/13/22

Size: 12"

Year: 2022 Cuddle Time Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $119

Thoughts: Ah, I've been waiting for these two to come out. Jam Scone and Blueberry Pancake go so well together! Both are tiny and adorable. I love the animal print mixed with both the bright and natural colors. 

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Arrival Date: 8/4/22

Size: 19"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: Fellow collector on FB

Cost: $125 (Retail $114.95)

Thoughts: I saw a really cute Twoddle a few months ago, but they didn't ship to the US. I've kept a casual eye out and this one appeared on Facebook. I adopted him and he's glorious. I didn't appreciate this guy enough back when I was considering getting Twanky to go with Twinky. Twoddle is just as good and I still haven't found just the right Twanky. Twoddle is a tall, very heavy fella. This set of four bears has longer fur at their toes and around their eyes, which was quite unique for back in 2015. I think they're an awesome and very underrated foursome.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

JIGSAW (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/28/22 (Rehomed 1/23)

Size: 22"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow collector on FB

Cost: $120 (Retail $151.95)

Thoughts: Oh, wow. I fell for this guy from the same seller as Higgins and I kiiiiiiinda didn't research his size. He's HUGE. Thankfully, he fits right in on the Big Boy bottom shelf with Elijah, Ryder and Ambassador. He's got lovely long fur and such a sweet face. 

HIGGINS (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/28/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2011

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow collector on FB

Cost: $50 (Retail $65.95)

Thoughts: Ah, what a little crabgrass. I love a good grumpy bear. I saw Higgins posted several times on FB before I could afford him. He's floppy, squishy, soft and cuddly. I love him!

Monday, July 25, 2022


Arrival Date: 7/25/22

Size: 16"

Year: 2022

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $50 (Retail $69.95)

Thoughts: I saw how cute Cottontail was in a couple owner pics so I grabbed him from CB Direct along with Pretzel. Mine has a little narrower muzzle than I wanted but he's still really cute. I don't have a lot of bunnies so I'm happy to have another. He's big at 16" but fairly thin. His fur is nice and soft and he seems quite cuddly. The bears designed by Charlie alone are really good at being cuddly. They don't have the heavier stuffing that the Isabelle Lee bears do, so they're more squishy. Definitely looking forward to hugging this guy tonight!

PRETZEL (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/25/22 (Rehomed 4/2023)

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 Cuddle Time Collection

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $50

Thoughts: Wow, Pretzel is bigger than I expected! His stock photo makes him look like this cutesy little tiny thing, but no, he's pretty sizeable. I mean, it says right in the listing that he's 14" but he feels larger. Being one designed by Charlie alone, he's got a structure to him that's different from the Isabelle Lee bears. If you have Peppermint or Kaleidoscope, he's like that. I like Pretzel because his colors remind me of an orange tabby cat and that was my favorite cat in childhood. He's got a sweet little face, even though he's not quite as cute as his promo pic. We were supposed to get the Cuddle Time bears this month, but when I didn't see Pretzel on the list, I decided to import him from CB Direct UK. Worth it! 

Thursday, July 14, 2022


Arrival Date: 7/14/22

Size: 19"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: I was farther down the list for Shoofly, so I had to wait for the second batch to come in, which worked in my favor. The first three I saw were cute but not super special. Then I fell for this one but had to give my top two choices so it was a bit nerve-wracking while I waited to see if I got this one...but I did! I like Shoofly a lot but never got that excited over him. I was more excited for Blueberry but now that I have both in hand, Shoofly is wonderful and I love him just as much. 



Arrival Date: 7/14/22

Size: 15" 

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $123.95

Thoughts: I'm so glad I got my first choice on Blueberry! I picked third and was amazed this one wasn't chosen by someone else. I think he's so cute! Like Bumbleberry, he's soft, fluffy anf super cuddly. I love him. 


 Arrival Date: 7/14/22

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $99.95

Thoughts: Australia is a nabarlek, which is a small marsupial like a wallaby. The real ones are even cuter than this because they have bigger eyes. CB added an interesting feature to some of their newer Bearhouse offerings. These marsupials have pouches! My only issue with this is that it forces them all to be female. She's very sweet, though I admit I'm more excited about the Bearhouse characters coming later this year. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Arrival Date: 7/14/22

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct via Amazon

Cost: $100

Thoughts: Calvin was not one who initially caught my eye and then when people posted a few owner pics, he looked really big-eyed. He was intriguing more than cute. Then my stockist got hers in and one of the people who bought one posted some adorable pictures, so I decided to give him a try. I'm glad I did because though he is really, really big-eyed for a CB, he's adorable! He's very petite and delicate. Much skinnier than CBs usually are. The fur on his arms and legs is really soft. He has nice warm colors like Snickerdoodle, likely some of the same fabrics used there. I'm glad I tried him out!

Monday, June 27, 2022


Arrival Date: 6/27/22

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $112

Thoughts: I became obsessed with Kirsteen after seeing people in Australia with her, so I imported her via CB Direct UK. She's super cuddly and soft! I'm really smitten with her and definitely glad I imported. 

Friday, June 24, 2022


Arrival Date: 6/24/22

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct 

Cost: $140

Thoughts: Battenberg almost made it onto my regular pre-order list. Her companion Garibaldi (same style, shades of brown) did make it. These two remind me of Howie (my first CB ever) and Eton (who I have now but not Howie). I saw owner pics of Battenberg and decided I wanted her after all, but opted to wait for the Direct option so I could return her if we didn't bond. I think she'll be safe though because she's quite cuddly and a little wobble-jointed so she flops nicely. I like her close-set eyes and how she's a different style to their usual pieces.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Arrival Date: 6/21/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct via Amazon

Cost: $126

Thoughts: I kept seeing pictures of Stef and wondering if she was the same tyber plush as Stuart's arms and legs. I love Stuart and his plush so I grabbed Stef when she was on Amazon. (She's since sold out from Amazon and CB Direct, but would be with stockists if you want one.) Turns out she is similar but darker and more honey-colored. She's a pretty classic bear done in an unusual fabric and I love the blue toes. She's incredibly soft, which is why she costs more despite her smaller size.  

Monday, May 30, 2022


 Arrival Date: 5/30/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $91 after BFC coupon (Retail $111)

Thoughts: Oh, wow! I'm surprised again! His stock picture does not to do this guy a single bit of justice. Travis is lovely colors and the darker eye patches and ears really stand out. I think his ear and eye marking fur is the same as Poncho's main fur, while his main body fur is what was used on Tilly's ears and toes. Kind of a soft cocoa color with black tipping. Travis is softer than Tilly, though nothing close to tyber-level. He's so much better than I imagined. Love him!

Monday, May 23, 2022


Arrival Date: 5/23/22

Size: 13"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with Rewards (Retail $101.95)

Thoughts: Oh, wow, what a surprise! Shirley was already an unplanned adoption. I had my rewards points from my past two orders and planned to use them on one of two other bears, but when I saw this Shirley, I really liked her. Then she became available very quickly and I had to grab her. So first surprise is that I didn't plan to get a Shirley. Second surprise is that in her catalogue photo she looks off-white, cream, maybe a little beige. She is not. She's PEACH! Her fur is shorter and swirly, revealing a darker color underneath. I think it's dark brown but it could be a brown-toned black. So not only do I love her grumpy little face, but she's also a color I prefer and she's super soft. She's more wobble-jointed so she's a good cuddler despite her small size. I'm so glad I chose her! Or she chose me, as they say.

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Arrival Date: 5/21/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $114.95

Thoughts: Oh, what a cutie! I'm so glad we got this first shipment of 2022 bears pretty quickly. This guy was my other major want for Q1 aside from Zach and he does not disappoint at all. SO ADORABLE. He's like a little lion bear. I'm not sure if his arms and legs are tyber but they could be. They're very silky soft. (I'm not a good judge of tyber when it's short pile like this. It's easier to tell when it's longer like Zach's fur.) 


Arrival Date: 5/21/22

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Remember how I said I might end up with two Zachs? Yup, it happened. He's so soft and cuddly that I don't mind one bit. The first one is in his spot on my shelf but this one got a spot on the bed so I can reach him easily. I always like to choose a sleeping cuddling companion before I get into bed, but sometimes I'm too lazy and I just reach for someone that's on the bed. I think I'll be reaching for him a lot. He's got a less frightened/concerned expression than my other one and they're both adorable but definitely different. 

This new one is on the left and my first is on the right. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

MICHAELA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/20/22

Size: 15"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct via Amazon

Cost: $133

Thoughts: Michaela was not on my radar at all until someone posted an arrival pic. Then I decided I wanted her. She arrived today and she's really cute. I like her animal print combined with the tufted toes and the more plush actual toes. Those are two of my favorite newer features CB has been doing. Michaela's a shorter bear and she's skinny, so she's pretty lightweight. I like her a lot. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Arrival Date: 5/19/22

Size: 20"

Year: 2022 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct via Amazon

Cost: $196

Thoughts: Ah, the big guy. I had his name written down from the Sneaky Peeks and I saw him on CB Direct but only briefly. I don't think I had the funds just yet and then he was gone, but lo and behold, CB Direct is also on Amazon and if I buy there I can use Affirm and their blessed 12-month payment plans (which I pay off early so I pay as little interest as possible). So I was able to order my Graham (and then Michaela after seeing owner pics). He arrived today and he's definitely a big, beefy guy (to use the QVC presenter's word for Jason from way back when), but he's actually really lightweight. He doesn't feel overwhelming at all. He's gorgeous, too. Definitely a keeper!

Monday, May 16, 2022

RUNES (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/16/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Edition Size: 400 (Mine is #273.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $342.95

Thoughts: So all my mohair pieces that were supposed to be spread out last year arrived in two concurrent shipments. Sigh. I was able to buy Runes in full thanks to Paypal Pay in 4 but Charms and Harley will be in layaway for a bit. I like Runes a lot but I'm not quite in love. He may be moving on to another home eventually. I think I want to get Charms here first and see if I prefer one or the other. I have Snapdragon, who is the ultimate mohair dragon, and I try to limit my mohair pieces because they feel like extravagances to me. Runes is gorgeous and he's currently enjoying sitting with Grumbleweed, the original green dragon. I may rearrange those top shelves once Lantern and Charms get here. I'd like Charms by Scorch and Runes by Signals but I don't have enough space at the moment. 

Monday, May 2, 2022


Arrival Date: 5/2/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with Rewards (Retail $97.95)

Thoughts: Ray was my unplanned addition. I was down to pick a Eugene after two previous shipments didn't yield one I wanted, but I opted to switch to Ray instead because I loved this particular one. He reminds me of Geronimo but more cuddly. I love Geronimo but any standing bear is automatically less cuddly than a regular bear. The little clock necklace is from my stockist and not original to him. He's got a key under there that came with him. I think he's going to be a great cuddler. I love the somewhat baffled expression, too, because the name Ray automatically brings Ray Stantz from Ghostbusters to mind. 


Arrival Date: 5/2/22

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2021

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: GAH, THE CUTENESS. Lockmaster is the smallest of the gargoyle trio. I was drawn to this one because there's something in her eyes that reminds me of my dog Pixie, who passed in January. She's soft and sweet and easy to cuddle for one of the smaller scale pieces. Love her so much!


Arrival Date: 5/2/22

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $97.95

Thoughts: Kayleigh is one of the more unusual bears from 2021. I wasn't sure I was getting one. I've seen cute ones and I've seen less cute ones, so it was fully dependent on the selection. But I loved this one's face so here she is. Kayleigh has very odd proportions. I'm used to bears with shorter limbs or sometimes ones that seem too long, but Kayleigh's seem too thick. Her head is teeny tiny and her torso is similar, but her arms and legs are almost the same size as Pashmina's! (Pashmina uses the same fabric.) Kayleigh is still cute, just a bit different.