Arrival Date: 1/30/23
Size: 18.5"
Year: 2022
Edition Size: 1200
Designer: Isabelle Lee
Features: Plumo
Purchased From: BAMS
Cost: $175
Thoughts: Ah, Newton. When he first came out, I saw a few and wasn't interested. Then a couple people posted cute ones. Then Valerie got hers in and I kept seeing him when looking through the albums. This guy ended up hitching a ride with Garibaldi and I have no regrets. He's a bigger fellow and chunky but also slim. Definitely a good size for me. I love his poofy mohair-lined ears. It's nice seeing the dark color used for ear lining. I'm not sure I have another plumo that has dark ears. I think he may end up being one of my unexpected faves from 2022.