Monday, October 30, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/30/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $99 after $20 coupon (Retail $119)

Thoughts: I was happy to use my Best Friends Club coupon on Confetti when she appeared on CB Direct last week. She arrived today and just like Streamers, she's small, soft and very cuddly. I love her even more than him, as she's an unusual color combo I've not seen before. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/16/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2023

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $95)

Thoughts: The dragon hatchlings are definitely one of the more unusual things Charlie Bears have ever done. I like Shadow Night, but I'm honestly not sure I also need the second one, Storm Chaser. I don't know where the idea of dragons having fur came from. It's a choice. He has tiny wings on his back in the same fabric as the neck ruff. He's cute but certainly odd!

Friday, October 13, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/13/23

Size: 18"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $92 (Retail $112. Had a $20 off coupon.)

Thoughts: I had a coupon from QVC and they happened to add some new items, so I ended up ordering BFF here. He reminds me a lot of a 2013 Heather Lyell bear named Otto. I always liked Otto, but he was 22" tall and seemed pretty massive in photos. Because I'll never buy him and because BFF is a silly name, I'm going to call this guy Otto. He's tall, but not a large-scale bear, and he's got a nice squishy tummy, so he should be good and cuddly.  

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/10/23

Size: 18"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: Artisanal Bears

Cost: $105

Thoughts: Oh, what a face! I fell in love with Swish when I saw real pics of him from Australia. This has been a rough couple weeks, so I needed a cute pick-me-up and he worked perfectly for that. He's incredibly adorable with that big smile. I still think adding the "toe" strings was a choice. They should have only done one to represent the cloven hooves of a unicorn. But thankfully, they blend in quite well and don't detract from his cuteness.

Monday, October 9, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 15"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Avril wasn't on my preorder list, but I liked owner pics of her. She's an unusual bear with her light blue "beard." It hasn't 100% grown on me yet, but I love everything else about her, so I think it will. 


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: Jupiter is the second of the planet bears to be released. He's a lovely dark green theme, as opposed to Neptune's blue. The softness of this series always surprises me. Jupiter was the first one that I cuddled after I opened the box. The necklace from my stockist, though it's Saturn, is the perfect color for him.  


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $121.95

Thoughts: Foggy is a lot smaller than he looks in pictures somehow. I love green bears and it's one of the least used colors, so I'm happy to have another green one to add to my shelves. The mushroom necklace is from my stockist and looks cute on him.