Arrival Date: 12/7/20
Size: 18"
Year: 2020
Designer: Isabelle Lee
Purchased From: BAMS
Cost: $109.95
Thoughts: Strudel was one of my top most wanted bears from the 2020 catalog. Rea, Logan, Carousel, Strudel, Crin and Roger. The latter four there are all Q4. Not that that means anything, because we're still missing Q2 bears in the US, including my beloved Logan. But I am happy we're finally getting some of our Q4s. Strudel is like Peach Cobbler, who wasn't on my pre-orders but I ended up caving and getting anyway. I still prefer the darker Strudel over her. He was worth waiting for. Though I did have a minor freakout last night, because he went from Orlando down to someplace in Tampa. I thought he was going to be lost and come really late. But no! He surprised me by being out for delivery, so thanks, Ybor City, for being fast enough to get my bear to Greenville in the wee hours and then thanks to Greenville for not sucking for once and getting him to Asheville early. I'm having a bit of a melancholy day, so I need some good bear hugs and Strudel is great for those. Everything good said about Peach Cobbler also applies to him.