Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/2/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $111.95

Thoughts: Miller was an unexpected buy. I thought he was pretty cute in the 2020 catalog, but I was pre-ordering so many, I decided I didn't need "giant Candace." But when he came out, I realized I love Candace enough to also have a giant version similar to her. Her giant big brother. I was late to the pre-order game though, so when my stockist got her 8, I was last in line. All 8 were cute though, so I waited...and waited...and waited. Some people take forever to choose. I try to be as fast as possible, though I'm slowed by a few hours if I'm at work. It took many days, but I finally got the notice to pick. I obsessively checked the Dropbox album, watching them go one by one. The one I expected to be left over actually was chosen second, while the one I thought was cutest kept not getting picked. So to my great surprise, the one I liked best ended up being one of the two left for me to pick from. (Someone must have declined for there to be 2 left.) And here he is. I still can't believe no one wanted this one!

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