Monday, December 27, 2021

PANDORA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 12/27/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: CB Direct 

Cost: $105

Thoughts: Pandora finally made her way to the US, too. I think a lot of people slept on this bear. Aside from the Greek myth name, which is always a draw for me, she's that lovely grayish dusty lavender I love. Along with gray itself, of course. I love the neck ruffle. Very cute. She's sitting nicely with Bossy Boots, Whisp, Wisteria and Kekezza on their shelf. All of them are similar colors. (Angel Cake, Fairy Cake, Logan, Nissa and Fey are there, too. It's my whimsical purple bear shelf.) Pandora is pretty small, but she's plumo so that explains the price. She's got soft arms and legs. Not sure if they're tyber but it's something like that. I love the longer gray fur on the tips of her paws. She's just a very pretty little bear.


Arrival Date: 12/27/21

Size: 19"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct 

Cost: $126

Thoughts: I love this name so when I saw him in Sneaky Peeks, I was drawn to him but not totally convinced. The lighter ruff of fur on the bottom half of his face is a little odd. But then I saw people's photos and I ended up caving on him. I thought stockists would be getting him, but he only went to CB Direct, so I grabbed him from there. He's sitting at the opposite end of the same shelf as Jason and they make a nice balanced pair with Snickerdoodle in the middle. Lukasz is definitely cute. I think he's a little cuter in person than how he photographs. Love the scarf, too.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


Arrival Date: 12/23/21

Size: 16"

Year: 2021 Cuddle Time Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct 

Cost: $115

Thoughts: I added Dreamy on a whim when the Turret pin released and I placed an order for that. I knew this guy was Tyber, which is the best fur, but I do have one in a similar color already. (I think I'm actually going to sell that one because I love Dreamy. We're coming up on my annual bear sale.) There's something about his face and the white accents that I really like. He's also nicely-jointed where he's not floppy but still moves really easily into cuddleable positions. 

Monday, December 20, 2021


Arrival Date: 12/20/21

Size: 23" 

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $143

Thoughts: What a big guy! I loved him in sneaky peeks but tried to resist because of his size, but when I saw he was available, I caved. He's such a unique character. He's not cute per se, more majestic and serious, but I love him.


Arrival Date: 12/20/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $77

Thoughts: This might be one of the cutest bears ever. I saw Taffy in the sneaky peeks and he was the one I really wanted from the Secret Collection this second half of the year. He's adorable and all those colors! But in person...oh, wow. His left side has a rich rusty base color while the right side is gray. Both of those fabrics have black patches. His left limbs are a warm reddish-brown and the right are black with strands of brown and either white or a light gray. I can't tell. Then his left paw pads are medium brown with cream toes while the right pads are dark brown with tan toes. All the colors are used together on his face. He's an absolute masterpiece.

Monday, November 15, 2021

RHEYA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/15/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Best Friends Club Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $70

Thoughts: Oh, Rheya. It's been an insane year for CBs and the Best Friends Club exclusive bears were no exception. They finally figured out they could offer us US members the chance to purchase our exclusives directly from the UK Bearhouse. Some opted to do so with Rheya, while others opted to wait and adopt her once she got to the US Cubhouse. I chose the UK, because I'm impatient that way. It's honestly not that much more and you get your order super fast. However, then the Rheyas were delayed getting to the UK! But they finally made it and I was able to order her and get her home before vacation. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about her, but I knew I wanted her. My plan was to keep her on hand to use as trade bait in case I wasn't selected for Turret or Chimney. However, I have Perky for that now if it comes to it or I can just suck it up and overpay. I'm hoping I get picked for both though! Anyway, my plan went out the window the second I got a look at Rheya's face. She's not going anywhere! She's gorgeous. Perfect little darker "makeup" lines on the outer edges of her eyes. Her colors are lovely, too, and she's cuddly. A lot of people love her and I'm now one of them for sure.

Monday, October 25, 2021


Arrival Date: 10/25/21

Size: 13"

Year: 2021 QVC/CB Direct Exclusive 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $92

Thoughts: Ragsy was featured on the last Sneaky Peeks magazine, so when it was revealed she would only be for sale on QVC UK, there were a lot of unhappy American collectors. I understand they were celebrating being with QVC for 15 years, but considering how behind the US is with deliveries (no matter how much it makes sense) seeing another thing the UK got and we didn't wasn't the best feeling. Thankfully, several people got help from wonderful UKers. I couldn't afford it, so I expected not to get one. Then CB Direct said they'd be getting some in and they ship internationally, so I put myself on the wishlist, got the email and bought her. I don't have the original Ragsy, though I do have Dolce, who's very similar. I prefer this 13" size to the original 10" honestly. I wish they'd do Dolce, too! Ragsy is very soft and lovely colors. 


Arrival Date: 10/23/21 (Rehomed 1/23)

Size: 19

Year: 2011 

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow collector on Facebook

Cost: $70

Thoughts: Ballantyne is one of those older, wobbly-jointed, super floppy, wild-furred guys that I always like to see, though I don't own many. He's the kind of floppy I used to be really worried about, but now I've gotten used to it. I like his fur colors and his big starey eyes in the dark face.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Arrival Date: 10/18/21

Size: 10"ish

Year: 2021 Best Friends Club Exclusive

Edition Size: 300 (Mine is #67.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Mohair

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: FREE (Retail $264.60)

Thoughts: I am still absolutely floored by this. This year, the generous souls behind Charlie Bears are doing three free draws for each of their six Best Friends Club exclusive characters. One person in the US, one in Australia and one in the UK/Europe will be chosen to get a character for free. I somehow missed the posting of the free draw video for Perky and then suddenly, I had an email in my inbox. I was the winner of the US draw! I'm never that level of lucky. It's shocking. And I loved how they did the draw, too, but you'd have to watch the video to see it. (It involves archery!) Perky is absolutely darling. I love her! She's not one I would have chosen for myself, but only because I have to be incredibly choosy when it comes to mohair. She looks so cute next to my Clarabelle elephant, too. Thank you so much, Charlie Bears!


Arrival Date: 10/18/21

Size: 15" (He seems bigger though.)

Year: 2021

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $51 ($62.95 US retail)

Thoughts: The main reason I went for Kingsley is because I also saw Kaleidoscope in stock. I've been a little obsessed with getting him ever since I got Blotch. Kaleidoscope is truly a crapshoot. With Kingsley, you're just hoping for a cute face but his patterns are far less variable otherwise. With Kaleidoscope, it was truly super random. I like this guy, but I've labelled him as #1 because I'm sure I'll be getting another once my pre-order finally comes in. I was hoping for brighter colors and they're all on his back. He's very cute and amazingly cuddly. He's soft and squishy, which I love. But I still want one with brighter colors on his face. I'm not sure when he'll make it over here, so I'm glad I have this guy. I may end up keeping both or selling this one on in the future.

KINGSLEY (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 10/18/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $80 ($97.95 US retail)

Thoughts: I have been absolutely itching for new bears. I keep checking CB Direct UK to see if they have anything new and I saw Kingsley. I resisted him a few times, because he is one I have on pre-order, and then he went out of stock. Recently, he returned to in stock and I went for it. I looked at people's Kingsleys online and I knew it would be a crapshoot because some were cute and some were...less so. But I'm really pleased with the one I got! He's adorable. 

Monday, October 4, 2021


Arrival Date: 10/4/21

Size: 12"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: I didn't plan to buy any of the Halloween bears, but when I saw Bandage, I knew I liked him and had to order one. Being an Egyptologist, I can be picky about mummy depictions and the wraps unfortunately just didn't do it for me. It's a cute idea and I'm glad they included a mummy, but he doesn't look like one to me. But the bear unwrapped is super cute. I love Alison Mills' smaller bears. She's great for the pint-sized fantasy bears. 

Monday, September 27, 2021


Arrival Date: 9/27/21

Size: 15"

Year: 2012 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 4000 (Mine is #3746.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing

Purchased From: FB collector

Cost: $100

Thoughts: I finally completed my standing animal print quad! These four bears were all Secret Collection. Abhay and Akhuti were 2011 while Surabhi and Shardul were 2012. All are about 15" and they're standing bears. They're soft and cuddly despite the harder feet. I've gotten three of the four from the same person, which is pretty cool. Oddly enough, Surabhi here and Akhuti are the two slightly harder to find ones, one from each year, not both from the same year.


Arrival Date: 9/27/21

Size: 15"

Year: 2011 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 4000 (Mine is #618.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing

Purchased From: FB collector

Cost: $100

Thoughts: I finally completed my standing animal print quad! These four bears were all Secret Collection. Abhay and Akhuti were 2011 while Surabhi and Shardul were 2012. All are about 15" and they're standing bears. They're soft and cuddly despite the harder feet. I've gotten three of the four from the same person, which is pretty cool. I think Abhay here might be my fave, but don't tell the others.

Friday, September 24, 2021


Arrival Date: 9/24/21

Size: 10"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards points (Retail $48.95)

Thoughts: I finally got to choose my Blotch! We're so behind here in the US that we've forgotten the quarter system and are just getting whatever we can. Blotch was a 2nd quarter bear, I think, and we're still waiting on his big brother Kaleidoscope. I'm hoping he comes soon. Blotch is one of those very random plush bears where none of them are ever going to look even remotely alike. I had 17 to choose from and the variations were amazing! I had it down to two and this little guy won me over. The other one I was considering had more colors more prominently, but his face wasn't nearly as cute. I love the black and white stripes coming up from his eyes and I wanted orange on his face and there it is. Well, technically, it's pink and yellow blended but it gives an orange appearance. He's teeny, bright and darling. Love him!

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Arrival Date: 9/16/21

Size: 17"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: $157

Thoughts: Snickerdoodle is just a regular 2nd quarter bear, but I ordered him from CB Direct UK, which I don't tend to do with normal releases. His photo in the catalogue is really not flattering at all, so when people started showing owner photos of him, I thought he was really cute. I resisted for quite a while, but then I caved a few days ago. He's one of those bears that looks a bit grumpy or forlorn. Every one I've seen has had the same look. And I can be a sucker for that. He's tall but skinny and pretty lightweight. And he's soft, but not Tyber level. I really like him so I'm glad I splurged a bit. 

Monday, August 16, 2021


Arrival Date: 8/16/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $97.95

Thoughts: SO CUTE. I love this bear. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I adore her. She's just darling. I originally liked all four from the pages in the catalogue she was on, but I think I was drawn most to her. That feeling went away as the months passed, but it's back. She's got a lot of personality for a little thing!


Arrival Date: 8/16/21

Size: 16"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $73.95

Thoughts: Darwin is a wombat, so again, you know this is a Bearhouse character. Gah, he is so cute. You'd think Signals would be my favorite from this batch of arrivals, but no, it's Darwin. I've been eager to hold him since I picked him out! he doesn't disappoint. He's unusual, sure, but he's adorably so and that's just what I like.  


Arrival Date: 8/16/21

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $72.95

Thoughts: Peru is a capybara, so you know this is a Bearhouse character. That's where the most unusual ones are. There was a more perfect one to choose, but like Tasmania, this lady won me over with her happy face. 


Arrival Date: 8/16/21

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $160.95

Thoughts: Signals was my only first quarter pre-order and here I am, getting him in August. Everything is screwed up this year. Signals is gorgeous. I still prefer Grumbleweed and his darker green, but I'll take these dragons in any color. He's soft and so well-detailed. Better late than never!

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Arrival Date: 8/14/21

Size: 13"

Year: 2021 Cuddle Time Collection

Edition Size: 200 (Mine is #166.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Mohair

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $280

Thoughts: Oh, now this one. This was a very unplanned purchase. When I saw Sneaky Peeks, I loved all the mohair, but knew I couldn't afford one. I'm already eventually getting the two mohair dragons this year and my mom is getting me Harley for my birthday. But when the show came on and she came on screen, I rushed to see how the cost would break down and clearly ended up with her. I'm very thankful for Afterpay, Paypal Pay in 4, Klarna, etc. They've helped me get some things that I could easily afford spread out every two weeks, but didn't have the full amount right away. I love Plum's little face and her triangular nose. (A lot of people don't like those, but I do. For her anyway.) But it was her colors that got me. I love the kind of light burgundy tone that's tipped in the light green. I'm not sure how to describe that color. It's a pale yellow-green. Not bright enough for chartreuse. Not green enough to be an "apple" shade. Whatever it is, everything comes together on her and she may be my favorite mohair. Even over Snapdragon. 


Arrival Date: 8/14/21

Size: 10.5"

Year: 2021 Cuddle Time Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $78

Thoughts: Whew! Damon is random plush and some of them have been really dominantly white on their faces. I crossed my fingers I'd get a dark one, because while I wouldn't have minded white on the body, I didn't want it on the head much because he has a large white muzzle. So I'm very pleased with this very dark little fellow. He looks slightly cranky, too, which I always like.   


Arrival Date: 8/14/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $100

Thoughts: Ah, Jenny. I loved her from the catalogue. I had thought she was supposed to go to stockists this last delivery, but she didn't, so I grabbed her from CB Direct. Mine isn't perfect, but she's pretty regardless of her small flaws. I might do twins of her, as I have first choice with my stockist. I adore orange bears so. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

TIA (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 8/10/21

Rehomed: 1/2/22 

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2300

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Fellow collector (on Facebook)

Cost: $85

Thoughts: Tia is one of those random plush that I get really picky about. She was never on my list way back in 2016 when she came out, but my stockist had one that I really loved. I always meant to get her and then she was gone. I remember she had black lines around her eyes that almost reminded me of Jetta's facial zigzag (only black on white fur instead of white makeup on pale skin obviously). I've seen several Tias over the years, but never one that was good enough to remind me of that lost bear. This one though caught my eye. She's got definite attitude markings and she was a good deal, so she's taken her place on the black and white (and Byte) shelf beside Inkspot.

Thursday, July 29, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/29/21

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2009

Edition Size: 900 

Designer: Christine Pike

Purchased From: Retired Charlie Bears (on Facebook)

Cost: About $50

Thoughts: Christine Pike barely made any CBs, but the ones she did are all adorable. Sid and Paul have been pretty high on my want list for years, and Wallace is on there now, too. I'm so happy I finally have a Sid! He's a soft, chubby guy. His tummy is very squishy. Definitely good for cuddles. I love him.

Monday, July 19, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/19/21

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2021 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $72.95

Thoughts: OMG, this guy. I loved a lot of this year's Bearhouse designs and Tasmania is a good example of why. They're unique animals and so well done! I love some of the more commonly done animals like Cubby Hole and Pampas, too, but it's the unusual guys that have me really excited. I got to choose my Tasmania first and I flipped through the pictures, noting more somber faces...and then there was this guy. He was tilted back a bit more than he is in this pic and his smile looked huge like "HEEEYYYYYY, PICK ME!!!" And so I did. He's adorable. I can't wait for Peru and Darwin to join him soon!

Friday, July 16, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/16/21

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $125

Thoughts: Linton caught my eye in the sneaky peeks catalogue when it came out and I picked him up from CB Direct. He's a nice soft fellow, which I knew he would be with that fabric on his limbs and face. I'm amused by the tie. He's apparently quite the businessbear. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

SERGIO (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/15/21 (Rehomed 7/23)

Size: 14"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2600 

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: The Doll Lady/Mary

Cost: $75

Thoughts: I used to own Sergio back when he came out, but I sold him. I somehow never bonded with him, which doesn't make much sense. I love the Heather Lyell bears from that time, especially the ones with big adorable feet like Sergio has. I saw a photo of him recently and paused to wonder why I sold mine. Then I was perusing The Doll Lady's site and decided to ask about some older bears. He was the one I ended up needing to bring home, so welcome back, Sergio! He's got such a dark face that it's impossible to see how cute he is in photographs. He doesn't have Scrummy's huge "smile," but he's pretty close. He also goes very nicely with Peppermint color-wise, so they're seated together.

Monday, July 12, 2021

CARLO (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/12/21

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2500 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Facebook collector

Cost: $60

Thoughts: I stumbled upon a collector with some amazing deals and couldn't resist scooping up Carlo for such a low price. He's along the same vein as Kekezza, Keeley and Carmela from that same production year, and like Dean, too, from this year. Smaller size bear with longer fur on the head and torso and close cut arms. He's not nearly as starey in person as he is in photos. He's darker than he looks here. 

ELIJAH (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/12/21 (Rehomed 4/20/23)

Size: 22"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 637 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $200

Thoughts: I can't remember how this big guy was handled in the US, but I don't think it was very well. Possibly CB Direct only? I think I might have tried him out if he was on QVC, but then again, maybe not, as I skipped and missed Neil from there, too. I wrote him off as too big for me and I wasn't a fan of the longer pile bears for a while, but then he got my attention well after his availability was long over. I've been looking for him after missing out on a couple on FB within the past year and lucked into seeing him on ebay. The seller accepted my offer and he arrived pretty quickly. He's a big guy for sure, but I've got bigger and I've already cleared a shelf spot for him, and his hair is soft despite its scraggly look.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/6/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $83 before shipping

Thoughts: I loved Dean and Jenny in the Sneaky Peeks book, so when people (in the UK, of course) started getting him, I really wanted one. I bought him from CB Direct UK despite the high shipping cost and I don't regret it. He's gorgeous. I love the feathery bits and the blue that peeks through. He's quite soft, too, and a good smaller size. 

Monday, July 5, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/5/21

Size: 9"

Year: 2021

Designer: Alison Mills

Features: Standing bear

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $48.95

Thoughts: Oskar was another unplanned buy. All of these three weren't ones I pre-ordered, which is the way it goes sometimes. I was waiting to pick my Lettice and Peppermint and saw all the Oskars move from the reserved but not allocated album to the main album and no one got adopted! I skimmed through the photos and this little guy caught my eye. I do love green bears and my childhood dog was named Oscar, so I decided I was meant to adopt him. I don't have another bear this exact shade of green and there definitely is always room for one more bear if they're this tiny and standing. 


Arrival Date: 7/5/21

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2021

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: Peppermint is actually my first 2021 bear bought from my usual stockist. My others were all Secret Collection except for Cubby Hole, who I bought from a local stockist. I hadn't planned on Peppermint, but knew I might be interested. After seeing pics of one in particular on Facebook, I put my name down for him. I ended up having to make a hard choice. There was one that looked like the one I fell in love with, but not quite as cute. Then there was this one. I ended up picking her with her unusual black stripes. I think I could eventually find another that looks like the one I fell for (he belongs to another collector and didn't come from my stockist), but finding another with facial stripes would not be easy. I haven't seen any other like her yet. I also wanted one with "freckles" and she has them. Peppermint is like Lettice in that she's a bit different in construction. It's similar to Lettice in that she's differently-stuffed than my other CBs. Her belly is very squishy, while her limbs are more firmly stuffed. Her ears are the most unusual though, because like Lettice, they're stiff. Her fur is soft and I think she's going to be a good cuddler. Also like Lettice, she's much bigger than I expected! 15" is really an odd size for CBs because they can be tall yet dainty or more massive like Lettice and Peppermint. She's definitely bigger than she appears in photos. Peppermint is wearing her own bow plus a necklace from my stockist. 


Arrival Date: 7/5/21

Size: 15"

Year: 2020

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $62.95

Thoughts: Lettice wasn't initially on my pre-order list for 2020, but I saw some cute owner photos when the UK finally got her in and ended up adding her to my list. Lettice was one of a handful of 2020 characters that got delayed to 2021. I had a later pick, but still got a really cute one, though honestly most of them look the same. She has an unusual stuffing that isn't as padded as other bears. She's not as skinny as one of the really skinny Magical Snugglies, but she does feel like the ones from that series that have a bit more weight to them. Her feet are huge and I love that. Her ears are a bit firm, which is different. Like the liner fabric is a little stiff. She's also bigger than I expected, even though I knew she was 15". I don't have too many CB bunnies and she makes a nice addition.

Friday, July 2, 2021


Arrival Date: 7/2/21

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2011 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 4000 (Mine is #972.) 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $55

Thoughts: I have my second of the animal print standing bear foursome! I got Shardul a few months ago and now Akhuti. I goot a great deal on him on ebay. He's really sweet. I love the side ears on these guys and despite being flat-footed, they're quite cuddly. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

CHUNKY (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 6/18/21 (Rehomed 5/19/22)

Size: 28"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 2000 

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $161.69

Thoughts: CHONKY. He's HUGE. He's not as big as Bertha though. He's actually taller than she is, but I find her more massive. Or found her. I sold her not long ago. He's actually got her spot at the top of one of the bookshelves in the hallway. I'm not sure what it was about this guy, but I liked him from the first time I saw him in the catalog. At 28" though, I didn't preorder. QVC really is great for trying out bears you're not sure of. I went back and forth a bit before deciding to go for it and ordered. He's huge, but not TOO huge. I like his bigger paws and his fur is gorgeous colors. He has two rather pointy ears, which is cute. Not that you can see both. The right one likes to bend back. He's got a cute face, too, though you can't see it either, because he looks down. Just trust me that he's cute!

JACK & JILL (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 6/18/21

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1000 (Mine are #373.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $125.65

Thoughts: I liked Jack & Jill in the 2020 catalog, but I didn't preorder them. When they turned up on QVC recently, I thought it would be a good chance to give them a whirl. They're both adorable. I don't have any CB mice and I love their colors. Dressed CBs aren't normally my thing either, but these outfits are darling. I left the hats off when I put them on display, but I wanted them on for this photo. (To help me remember they exist if I ever sell these! They're not pictured on them in the promo photo.)

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Arrival Date: 6/10/21

Size: 20"

Year: 2019 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 700

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Facebook collector

Cost: $130

Thoughts: Sometimes there were so many bears during a QVC show that I didn't get everyone I was considering. Neil is one of those. I didn't immediately fall in love and by the time I really considered him, he was sold out. He hasn't been a major want over the past couple years, but I have liked him when I've seen him in owner pics, so when one came up for sale, I kept an eye on him until I had the spare money. I'm frankly amazed he didn't sell! He's a gorgeous, larger panda, though not overwhelmingly huge. I like the other colors blended into his gray parts. I never realized he was so brown-tipped on that fur. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Arrival Date: 5/26/21

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 575 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $106

Thoughts: Ah, TeaCake. I initially wrote him off as a brown version of Licky Tissue...which he definitely still is. But somehow in the past year, I've come to want him more. I don't think he ever made it to the US or I would have tried him out before. TeaCake goes along with several other bears that were inspired by food and yeah, he really shows that. There's something about his coloring that makes me want desserts. 

BYTE (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/24/21

Size: 10"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Heather Lyell

Features: Seated bear

Purchased From: Fellow collector

Cost: $70 ($69.95 retail)

Thoughts: I've had Blog, who is a similar bear, for years. I always liked Byte, but never got him until now. He's a lovely color and makes a nice bookend for Blog. They each hold important CB info on their laps. Blog has my BAMS paws cards and Byte now has my Best Friends Club membership cards.

Monday, May 17, 2021


Arrival Date: 5/17/21

Size: 11"

Year: 2021 Cuddle Time Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $98

Thoughts: Oh, Diddle Daddle. I was really excited for him from the Sneaky Peeks catalog, but I wasn't immediately impressed. He's not as cute as he looked in the catalog. Mine also had the hair right in front of his left ear tucked into a seam, so I needed a comb to tug it free. I initially thought it was poorly cut, but it was just stuck. His hair over his left eye is also cut to give him a disgruntled expression. But he's definitely growing on me. I'm looking at him from the side right now and he looks like he's smiling. It's really hard to compare to Bristle, my original CB hedgehog, too. We'll get there, Diddle Daddle. Just slowly because your name is appropriate.

Monday, May 10, 2021


Arrival Date: 5/10/21

Size: 21"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct UK

Cost: About $70

Thoughts: FINALLY. Foster was a Secret Collection from last year, but he STILL hasn't made it out to the US. I happened to see someone in the UK getting another one, so I checked CB Direct on a whim and there he was. Shipping was pretty brutal, but it was also really fast. I really wanted this guy, so it was worth importing him. He's tall, skinny and floppy. And so adorably cross-eyed. I love him!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

BEARHUGS (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/8/21

Size: 18"

Year: 2021 Paw Store Exclusive

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $129

Thoughts: I wasn't sold on Bearhugs from his appearance in the Sneaky Peeks catalog, but when he debuted on Cuddle Time, I decided to give him a test drive. I never got Wilfy, who seems very similar. I can see why some people wouldn't want both. And I sold Willamena, who was also similar in shape. But when I opened the box today, I knew this guy was staying around at least for a while. I can't say he won't be rehomed in next year's annual sale, but he's undeniably cute and worth giving some "cuddle time" to. (Har.)

Friday, May 7, 2021


Arrival Date: 5/7/21

Size: 18"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 650

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo, standing bear

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $70

Thoughts: I apparently really love the 2013 Secret Collection. Mince is another of those and I just got Ebenezer and Rudolph not long ago. (And Satsuma is another one!) Mince is a standing bear, which aren't my favorite things, but he was too cute not to want. He's adorable with his mottled fur and sweet face.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Arrival Date: 5/4/21

Size: 20"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $132ish

Notes: No tags

Thoughts: Ah, Ebenezer. A few weeks ago, I saw this cute bear on ebay, but the photos were pretty bad, considering he's a completely different color! I thought he was gray, but he's definitely not. There's a lot of that sand, biscuit, light tan, whatever you want to call it in there. I put in a bid on him, but then I started to have issues with the seller. At first the auction had shipping for the US, but then it didn't. When I asked about it, the auction disappeared, then was put back up. The seller was very nice, but it took a bit for him to finalize the listing. So then I bid all over again. I had another person on Facebook offer me hers for a fair price, but after thinking on it, I realized it was this one particular bear's face that I loved.

I don't often do double photos in my bear catalogue here, but because he slumps, it's hard to get a good angle on his body and face, so here's the adorableness. 

I ended up winning him and was super excited. He got to the US fairly quickly, but then...sat. He left NJ on the 17th and did not reappear in Atlanta until the 29th. I was pretty worried about him! Then he got here on the 3rd and came out for delivery today...while our package hub was having some sort of crisis in which everyone's apartment number was off by 1 digit. (Ours is 107, but it was showing as 108.) I spent a good chunk of the morning dealing with the complex office and then warning the post office what was going on, but everything thankfully was fixed and he got delivered properly. Whew! 

Ebenezer is a tall, skinny guy, which is one of my favorite types. Like Oodles, Lee and Bryce. He has unusual paws that you don't see too often in CBs. The pads face the back instead of being on the sides like usual, so he can do a nice begging gesture. He reminds me a lot of Brussell, who also came out as part of the 2013 Secret Collection and has gray-tipped paws and a soft scarf...and a very similar face. Hmm. Methinks they're related. 

Friday, April 30, 2021


Arrival Date: 4/30/21

Size: 14"

Year: 2020

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $81

Thoughts: Moon is one of three bears from 2020 that we still don't have in the US. She was supposed to be out in the 2nd quarter, so she's about a year late. I'm not convinced we're ever going to get her, so when I saw her on ebay from a US seller, I went for it. I may get another if she ever comes in stock. This one is cute, but there's nothing like selecting your bear's face. She's a gorgeous pale silver and I love her a lot. I'm glad I got her at last!

Monday, April 26, 2021


Arrival Date: 4/26/21

Size: 19"

Year: 2021 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $116ish

Thoughts: Oh, beautiful Aurora! I fell in love with her when I saw her on the cover of the newest Sneaky Peeks. She's only my second bear of the 1st quarter, but what a bear. She's tall and skinny like the old Magical Snugglies and I love that. I'm not always a fan of the wispy wild fur, but it works so well on her, as does pairing the pastels with the sandy color. Usually they're with white and this is more unique. Plus, she has iridescent tinsel running through her fur, too! She's stunning. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Arrival Date: 4/22/21

Size: 18"

Year: 2012 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow Collector

Cost: $120

Thoughts: Ah, Larry. I fell in love with one particular Larry on ebay back in 2019, but didn't win him. I should have tried harder! I think I got Griffin instead. I know there were two from the same seller that I tried for. I saw him for sale a few times, but none really spoke to me until this guy. The collector I've been buying a lot of older bears from listed him and I thought about it for a day or so and then asked about him. This guy's got a little more sass than the kinda dippy cute one I liked on ebay, but I like his face a lot, too. He's bigger than I expected and quite wobbly, but I've gotten comfortable with the wobble. I think he looks like a raccoon a bit and he's quite soft.