Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Arrival Date: 7/13/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $188.95

Thoughts: Carnival was on my "maybe" list for the year. Bears I didn't preorder, but who had a good chance of being added to the collection if I liked them "in the fur." I wasn't 100% sold on Carnival even after seeing people's photos. He was nice, but let's face it, these guys are more expensive than ever and I need to be more choosy. Then my stockist got hers in and I saw this guy. Every single other Carnival had a grumpy old man face, as one of my friends put it, yet one by one, other bears got chosen and this beauty was left behind. I couldn't believe it when Valerie said preorders were done and he was still there. So I snatched him right up. His colors are even more lovely in person. Very vibrant, very fall. His fur is soft and silky. He's tall at 19", but he's one of those that's mostly leg and he's slim, so he'll go nicely exactly in the spot I have planned for him. Definitely glad everyone left him for me, otherwise I probably would never have tried this bear out.

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