Arrival Date: 12/30/23
Size: 14.5" officially, but definitely bigger
Year: 2023
Designer: Isabelle Lee
Purchased From: BAMS
Cost: $118.95
Thoughts: FINALLY. Stompy is a Quarter 1 character, which means we should have had him in the spring. However, the UK and Australia got him, and we were left in the cold AGAIN. I hate when they do this. They should always guarantee each of the three locations gets each character roughly around the same time. Shipping differences are understandable, because Australia is closest to the warehouses, etc., but the US should never be MONTHS later when the other locations are getting their second or even third batch. Anyway, he was worth waiting for, as he's absolutely gorgeous, but we never should have been waiting this long. He's humongous! Yet he's not actually that heavy. And what a face!