Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Arrival Date: 12/18/23

Size: 7"

Year: 2023

Edition Size: 365 (Mine is #312.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $175

Thoughts: This one was unexpected! I mentioned being interested in him before any stockists had any idea of their allocations or really any details at all, so I totally forgot about him until my stockist told me I could pick mine and he could ride along with Tardy. I really wasn't planning on his level of expense, but I do like the design a lot. He reminds me of a very popular older mohair bear that I will never, ever own, so he's like my mini version of that bear, as well as representing my birth month. (My stockist included the "sapphire" necklace.) This one's face was just too cute. Honestly, if he wasn't there, I don't think I would have picked one of the others. But he's darling and a nice addition to my very small mohair collection. (I think I have 6 now.) 

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