Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Arrival Date: 6/17/24

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2024

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Artisanal Bears by Old Griz

Cost: $175

Thoughts: I fell in love with some Michals from Australia and the UK, but opted to wait to see what American stockists got in. I ended up finally finding the one I wanted and he was worth waiting for. There are two types of face I like on this bear. One is the more standard cute face. The other is what you see here. I think of it as the Trifle face. The eyes are closer together and the face looks rather small in a larger head. I find it endearing. Michal is very soft. His arms are bent a bit by the paws so they curve for a nice hug. Not one I had planned on getting, but owner/stockist pics are the best advertisements. 

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