Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Arrival Date: 3/22/21

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2017

Edition Size: 1760

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: FB collector

Cost: $30 (Retail $77.95)

Note: No paper tags

Thoughts: Oh, dear, poor Alison. I saw someone on FB selling bears for incredible prices, so I jumped on getting Alison here. The lady was very nice, but clearly has no idea what's going on in her home. Or someone else's home if the bears weren't hers. Alison smelled like the home she lived in never changed about a dozen cat litter boxes. My mom IDed the smell immediately and I knew she was right, because we'd just taken care of 3 cats next door and that's exactly what their apartment smelled like. Alison is an absolutely adorable, sad-faced bear with unusual fur that feels more rough and coarse like a mohair might. I've spent the past couple days working on cleaning her up. I don't recommend putting your bears through the washer, but sometimes it is necessary and this sure was. So she's been through the wash and then sat in the laundry room covered in a couple nice-smelling dryer sheets since. Just today I moved her into an open space (away from other toys) in my toy room and I'll monitor her scent over the next few days. I won't put her with my other bears until I'm sure the smell is gone. If I have to wash her again, I will. But we'll get there, Alison. We'll get you clean. 

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