Monday, May 15, 2023


Arrival Date: 5/13/23 and 5/15/23

Size: 16"

Year: 2023

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: Artisanal Bears (left) & BAMS (right)

Cost: $84

Thoughts: I loved Higgledy in the catalogue, because he looked like Kaleidoscope but with darker colors that were more to my liking. (I love Kaleidoscope, but darker jewel tones are a weakness.) The catalogue model had red on his face, so that's what I wanted. When I saw the one on the left, I loved him, but my stockist was adding her pictures soon, so I waited to see if she'd have one similar. Thankfully, she put up the photos later the same day and I saw the only one with more red on the face wasn't one I liked. I was drawn to the green-faced one on the right, so I bought him, then also bought my red-faced guy on the left. I don't have twins often, but these two are so different and each in an appealing unique way, that I had to have them both. Higgledy is a soft-furred cuddly bear with a skinnier body and large feet. He's excellent if you want someone more colorful and no two will ever be alike!


Arrival Date: 5/13/23

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2023

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $98)

Thoughts: I was very surprised to learn my first two 2023 arrivals would be from the 2nd quarter! The US is the first to get these guys. I was really expecting Cave and Stompy from Q1, but Cave at least should be coming later in the month. Tusk was one of my most wanted from this year's plush collection. I've loved prehistoric creatures since I was little and he's adorable! I love the shorter hair on his head and he's actually a giggler with an open mouth that's hidden from the front. He also has bent legs at the knee so he perches on your arm when you carry him. It makes him extra cuddly.

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Arrival Date: 5/6/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $175

Thoughts: Granddad didn't catch my eye in the catalogue last year, but I thought his actual bears were cute when my stockist got hers in. I still wanted to give him an audition first, so when he hit QVC, I planned to order one and I'm not a bit disappointed. He's a good-sized, chunky, heavy guy, but he's got this cottony soft fur and he seems like he's going to be very cuddly. He reminds me of the rounded quality bears like Cinnamon and Kermode have. Very cute face, too. He definitely does not look like a Granddad to me! I'll have to come up with a different name. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

KATHLEEN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23 (Rehomed 2023)

Size: 18"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132

Thoughts: I've been eyeing this Kathleen from my stockist and I finally got around to adding her to an order. She's basically the same as Vernon only in different colors and I love him. I love grumpy Kathleen slightly less, but only because Vernon sets the bar pretty high. She's an awesome bear in a pretty unique color combo and she's cuddly like Vernon is.

BLITZEN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2022

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $182

Thoughts: I like the Signature Collection, but they tend to be out of my price range and a lot of them are standing, which is not my thing. I have to really love a standing bear to get him. The reindeer aren't standers and there was something about Blitzen that I really liked, so I ended up with him. I think he's very stately and handsome, but I definitely do not see the price reflected in the product. He's also possibly the least cuddly plush I own aside from my couple standing tiny bears. I tried snuggling with him and the antlers and rough fabric coat are just not good enough. I still like him, but I'm considering him a lesson learned on the Signature pieces. I'll just admire them in other people's pics. 

LONDON (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23 (Rehomed 12/23)

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104

Thoughts: I wasn't 100% on London and I've still not bonded with him, but he's also barely arrived and I think I will bond eventually. I picked one with a starey expression, because I liked it. He's very well-done and detailed. I think I'll love him. I just haven't had much time with the newbies.