Friday, March 31, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/31/17

Size: 15"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1900

Designer: Heather Lyell

Features: Standing and 6-way jointed. She has a joint in her mid-torso.

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $67.95 (Retail $104.95)

Thoughts: Continuing with my Heather Lyell kick, I finally picked up Red Liquorice, who's been on my want list since I started collecting. She's got an awesome torso joint and she fits in so perfectly with Chuck and Clancy.

Monday, March 27, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/27/17

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2014 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $47

Thoughts: Pansy's partner-in-crime! I'm glad I knew what to expect, because while Daisychain's limbs aren't as loose as Pansy's, her head is even looser! I wrapped a green ribbon around her neck to stabilize it a bit and now I feel much better about her.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/20/17

Size: 16"

Year: 2012

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Features: Magnetic front paws

Purchased From: ebay (Bonniesbears)

Cost: $79.99

Thoughts: The longer-faced Heather Lyell designs took awhile to grow on me, but I saw someone in the UK selling the cutest Mischief, so I went looking for one that would get here faster and found this guy. He's got loads of personality and I love the magnetic paws feature. He sits by Pumpkin Pie and I often squeeze their feet when I walk past, just like I do with Susan.


Arrival Date: 3/15/17

Size: 11"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $75.95

Thoughts: The last of my 2016 preorders finally rolled in in March 2017. This is typical for CBs. Hide finally got her brother, who is actually my preferred of the two designs.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/13/17

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Facebook

Cost: $55

Thoughts: I grabbed Pansy from a fellow Floridian collector, because pansies are one of my favorite flowers and she's just beautiful. I was a bit dismayed when I saw how wobbly she was, but she really is supposed to be that level of wobbly. She's got thick fur for a smaller bear and is excellent at cuddles.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/11/17

Size: 19"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 2700

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing bear

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $83 (Retail $124.95)

Thoughts: This guy popped into my wish list after me seeing him several times and gradually falling for him. He's a standing bear, so he's actually better at that than sitting. He stands guard on the shelf between Shades and Graeme.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/10/17

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2014

Edition Size: 1800

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $79.95 (Retail $113.95)

Thoughts: After getting Befuddle, Bamboozle was a must have, so I grabbed him when he was on special. Unfortunately, he's not as cuddly as she is. I think he's stuffed more. He's very sturdy and doesn't have a lot of give, but to be fair, he only got one shot at sleep cuddles. I'll try again! His colors are lovely though and he's a nice complement to Befuddle. I need to get Loulabelle to sit with them, too.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Arrival Date: 3/4/17

Size: 18"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 2700

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: Samantha's Dolls 

Cost: $114.95

Thoughts: I can't remember how I came across Dakota, but she obviously stuck in my mind, because I preordered 2017's Olien to have that tan/blue combo. Well, I saw real photos of Olien and didn't care for him, so I looked up Dakota and eventually tracked one down. She's plumo like Hubble, but her mohair isn't scratchy, so she's better to sleep with. She's a very beautiful bear.


Arrival Date: 3/2/17

Size: 15"

Year: 2012 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 700

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Facebook

Cost: $71

Thoughts: Spruce had been on my wantlist for ages, but being such a low production number and a Secret Collection, he doesn't turn up that often. I found him in a Facebook CB sales group and bought him. He hit a bump in the road and was returned to the sender once, but then made it to me just fine the second time. His fur is splendid and very reminiscent of what he's named after. He's one of the only bears allowed to keep his bell necklace because it's just lovely. He's a wobbler, so he doesn't get cuddled a lot, but he is good for it. I probably shouldn't be as afraid of the wobblier level of wobble joints, but I can't help it sometimes! Spruce sits with Eden, like Demi is with Bray and Tick Tock with Oodles.


Arrival Date: 2/16/17

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2016 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Charlie Bears Direct

Cost: $58.39

Thoughts: Darling Wisteria was my second CB Direct purchase. Her fur is SO SOFT. It's this special kind that's just amazing. She's a tiny delicate little bear that's perfect to hold. 


Arrival Date: 2/13/17

Size: 17"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $97.95

Thoughts: After Chuck, I absolutely needed Clancy. He's not quite as cuddly, because he's more sturdy and not floppy like Chuck. But he's super endearing anyway and has the same gorgeous colors.


Arrival Date: 2/8/17

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2800

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $68.95 (Retail $85.95)

Thoughts: Chuck and Clancy were on my want list since I first saw the 2016 catalog, but I couldn't quite bring myself to add them to my preorders and pay that much for them. I think I imagined them as smaller than they actually are. But Chuck went on the daily special and I grabbed him and that was it. His colors are so stunning. Pictures do him zero justice. That black-tipped red is absolutely divine, and I love black and red anyway. He's a great little floppy bear with a lot of personality. I've been spending quite a bit of time with him recently and he's excellent for cuddles. I hold him with one arm and Kuma with the other!


Arrival Date: 1/30/17

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2016 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 760

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: Charlie Bears Direct

Cost: $50.40

Thoughts: Gilbert is like Brussell, so unique that you can't quite believe they're CBs. I saw him on ebay and flipped out, because I wanted one really badly. I ended up discovering Charlie Bears Direct shipped to the US and ordered him. He got here amazingly fast and I just adore this little guy. He's got the sweetest goofy face and those enormous ears.


Arrival Date: 1/13/17

Size: 20"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $90

Thoughts: I went through some hurdles to get Befuddle. I won her on ebay for a great price, but then the seller couldn't find her, so I got my money back. Then I bought her from another seller and she took awhile to arrive, despite being in my state. But finally, she made it. I didn't bond with her right away, but after sleep-cuddling her a second time, that was enough. She's very luxe and just amazing to hug with all that gorgeous fur. The first seller did eventually find her, but I'd already adopted this girl.   


Arrival Date: 1/5/17

Size: 18"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 3400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $107.95

Thoughts: Oh, my girl. I saved her photo in my selection of bears I'd love to buy from my stockist and just kept going back to her and going back, and finally, she came home. Last Susan in stock! She is like Dipsy. Some Susans look sad, some are just cute. Mine is a curmudgeon. I spent a lot of time with Susan in the first months after I bought her. She got dragged around the apartment a lot, slept with a lot. She's a taller bear, but she's skinny yet still cuddly. Somehow she's just perfect. I usually squeeze her foot when I walk past her shelf.


Arrival Date: 1/5/17

Size: 12"

Year: 2014 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 4750

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $51

Thoughts: It took me months to get Smudge, because I had to wait for more stockists to put him on ebay and then find just the right face. I had a great one, but he got bought before I got paid. Then this guy came around and I grabbed him. I have actually seen one since that I like better, but don't tell him that! I can't afford to buy doubles. Heh. And I wouldn't sell this one anyway. He sits smack dab in the middle of the Bray/Eden/Oodles top shelf and I meet his little eyes multiple times a day.


Arrival Date: 12/29/16

Size: 14"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: Rewards Bear (Retail $81.95)

Thoughts: Tick Tock was in the bargain section of my stockist, but when it got down to only one left, he went back to regular price. I was sad I'd missed out on the deal and really wanted him, but I had this thought in the back of my mind that I could choose him for my rewards bear, and that's exactly what happened. He is splendid. Absolutely splendid. No photos I take can quite capture this guy's gorgeous face. He sits with Oodles, because they have similar, very...I don't know...almost alive with expression faces. He's another very underrated bear that I cannot believe more people don't like. 


Arrival Date: 12/29/16

Size: 12"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2760

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $66.95

Thoughts: Pepper Pot! Oh, I love him. He frustrated me though, because Australia and one US stockist had him way back in March, but he didn't make it to the UK or my stockist until December. Late December, too. I couldn't figure it out, but apparently this is a thing sometimes. I was a good customer though and didn't break my preorder. I'm glad I didn't, because I have never seen another Pepper Pot that looks quite like mine.I think he's a very underrated bear. You hardly ever see him, but he's a tiny delight.


Arrival Date: 12/29/16 

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 3200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $89.95

Thoughts: Kekezza grabbed my attention in the 2016 catalogue, but I didn't preorder her. Firmly back into bears, after a short break between July and October, I was happy to adopt her. She's an unusual bear and I love that, though she's got the long wispy hairs that don't make her the best for cuddles. She's the only bear to still have her necklace sewn on, as I didn't want to mess up her fur. European regulations mean the bears now have their necklaces sewn on, so you have to carefully clip them off unless you want them to stay where they are.


Arrival Date: 12/27/16

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2015

Designer: Kaycee Bears

Purchased From: Beacon's Glow

Cost: $94.95

Thoughts: My second Kaycee Bear. Tango's color did not disappoint in the least. I love this shade and he sits next to Pumpkin Pie so they can revel in being orange together.

MALCOLM (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/25/16 (Rehomed 5/18/17)

Size: 14"

Year: 2016 Birthday Box Bear, LE 6000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $71.95

Thoughts: Malcolm was the birthday box last year and I was glad, because I like the big guy, but will never buy him. He's cute, but doesn't get given a lot of attention. He hangs out with Shades, Scarecrow and Graeme on their shelf. I decided to rehome him, because he doesn't get the attention he deserves. I guess I prefer my tougher-looking bears to be big guys.


Arrival Date: 11/25/16

Size: 13"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: Contest Prize (Retail $71.95)

Thoughts: Demi! A very female bear canonically, so to speak, but mine is male and grumpy. Demi's been on my stockist's sale list for ages and I always had my eye on him, but never got around to purchasing, because there were two I just could not choose between. Well, it came time for the anniversary of CB and my stockist had a fun party on Facebook. I was shocked to learn that I was the lucky winner of the free bear, drawn from the names of those who had participated in the day's contests! It took me a bit to pore over the offerings, but Demi seemed the obvious choice. He's a lovely purple and sits on Bray's lap. He's one of the only bears I have left the necklace on and one of the very, very few who get to wear a bell. 


Arrival Date: 10/3/16

Size: 11"

Year: 2015, but released in 2016; LE 50 (mine is #24)

Designer: Kaycee Bears

Purchased From: Beacon's Glow

Cost: $126.95

Thoughts: I feel bad for Saskia. I really wanted her and waited months for her to finally be produced, only to be disappointed that her coloring is far more muted than her promo pictures showed. Google "Kaycee Bears Saskia" and you will see the huge difference. She's extremely cute, but my disappointment in her not being those rich browns has made me not really bond with her. I've had her up for sale for awhile, but she's not been rehomed yet. I refuse to take less than a certain price for her. She's better off on my shelf than me taking a big loss on her. 


Arrival Date: 10/17/16

Size: 11"

Year: 2016 Sweetie Shop Collection

Edition Size: 1840

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $49.95

Thoughts: I fell in love with Mix when I first saw the Sweetie Collection and snatched him right up. I like Pick, too, but I think Mix is going to stay my sole purchase from that assortment. He's a lovely yellow and so adorably tiny! I haven't cuddled him in awhile, but he was great for couch naptime. He's my mom's fave, along with Brussell.

HIDE (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/27/16

Size: 11"

Year: 2016

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $75.95

Thoughts: Ah, Hide. This poor girl sat without her brother for many months! Seek was the one I initially preordered, but I ended up adding Hide on there, too. They're lovely little ferrets, though a bit too small to repeatedly seek out for cuddles.


Arrival Date: 7/18/16 (Rehomed 1/7/17)

Size: 22"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $103.95 (Retail $129.95)

Thoughts: Chocoholic I really liked from my stockist's photos, so I bought him when he was the daily special. I was blown away by his size when I opened the box. He's really huge and also very skinny. He's part of a series by Heather Lyell called the Magical Snugglies, so he's actually not stuffed very much. I was surprised I could feel the armature of his body. I was also surprised to learn that Luna is part of this range, because she's far more cuddly than Choco was. His huge size and lack of girth made him not cuddly enough for me, so he was rehomed. He's a sweet bear with a darling face, but he took up way too much room to just be a shelf-sitter.


Arrival Date: 7/2/16

Size: 14"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2200

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $71.95

Thoughts: Pumpkin Pie was my most wanted bear from the 2016 collection. My most wanteds originally were Lazlo and Pimky, the monkeys, but they turned out to be not nearly as cute in real life, so I never bought them. Pumpkin though did not disappoint. I got really excited when I saw her popping up on ebay and I prayed that she'd make it to my stockist soon, which she did! This one jumped right out at me from the ones I had to choose from and when I took her out of the package, I just fell absolutely in love. Her coloring is so unique and beautiful. I'm a sucker for orange, but she's so much more than just orange. Pumpkin Pie's one of my top favorites. She's definitely my very favorite smaller bear. 


Arrival Date: 6/27/16

Size: 17"

Year: 2014

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $29.99 (Retail $69.95)

Note: Missing necklace and tags

Thoughts: Luna was an absolute bargain on ebay, possibly because she doesn't have her necklace and I'm not sure she had her tags either, but those things didn't matter to me in the face of a $30 bear from a US seller. I love her starry sky design and her name reminds me of one of my three fave Harry Potter characters. Luna isn't super prominent in my collection, as she suffers from the long hair tickly problem like Bryony, but she certainly has a place in my hug. 


Arrival Date: 6/20/16

Size: 13"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2600

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $80.95

Thoughts: Chequers wasn't one of my pre-orders, but I needed him, so he became my second purchase from the 2016 collection. I think he's far cuter "in the fur" than his promo picture and I love his wispy hair. He lives on the black and white shelf with Bryony and Blog.


Arrival Date: 5/28/16

Size: 18.5"

Year: 2012

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $84.50 (Retail $99.95)

Thoughts: Eden was a bit problematic at first. I loved her look from the beginning, but I really got heavily into bears because they helped me heal after a bad breakup, and there's a certain thing about Eden that reminded me of my ex. It took a few months, but I finally felt over it enough to buy her and she's just lovely. She has a slightly wobbly head, which is why she tends to sit with Oodles and Bray rather than get a lot of cuddles. Eden is my old hometown, so she's got a nice little sentimental connection.


Arrival Date: 5/28/16

Size: 15"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 1000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $109

Thoughts: THAT FACE. When I first saw Brussell, I didn't even think he was a CB. He's so incredibly different. I absolutely had to have him. He's a bear that's like the opposite of Howie. Howie looked like he should be small and he was bigger, while Brussell looks like he should be a good 18 or 19 inches, but is tiny. He's one of my mom's faves and he's so sweet.


Arrival Date: 5/14/16

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $63.95 after $5 gift certificate

Thoughts: I don't know what it is about Dipsy. I debated between him and Blog and ended up choosing Blog, because I'd wanted him for longer, but I couldn't go long after that without buying Dipsy. As you can tell, because their arrival dates are only two days apart. I'm not big into animal print, so Dipsy stayed under my radar for months, but then I kept seeing him and my stockist had some, so I went for it. And he's now pretty high up on my faves list. There's something about him that's just a disgruntled little curmudgeon. I've seen others say he has a sad face, but mine definitely does not. That is a bear with attitude and I adore him for it. Dipsy is the only bear who has gotten to leave the house twice. He and Oodles accompanied me to a local hotel when Mom and I had a floor leak fixed, and he, Mix and Pumpkin Pie went on vacation with us last year. 


Arrival Date: 5/12/16

Size: 10" seated

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1200

Designer: Heather Lyell

Features: Permanently seated 

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $69.95

Thoughts: Blog is really different from bear to bear and I debated a bit between two from my stockist before going with this guy, who looked a little more different from other Blogs. He's got a funky tuft of longer black hair that's fun. Blog is a seated bear, designed to hold electronic devices. His job on my shelves is to guard my rewards card for BAMS and keep track of how many more purchases until my free bear. He's really sweet, but due to his seated position, he's not the best for cuddles. He lives on the same shelf as Bryony. 


Arrival Date: 3/2/16

Size: 21"

Year: 2010

Edition Size: 2327

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Amazon UK

Cost: $163

Thoughts: Graeme was the other one I fell in love with years ago, before I started collecting. I knew he was out of my price range at the time, so while I considered Dolce a couple times and never bought him, I never looked seriously at Graeme. But when I became a collector of CBs, I knew I needed to find him. I found one on Amazon UK and enlisted a friend's help to buy him. He was definitely worth the money! He's not as fierce-looking as his promo photo, which was initially disappointing, but I fell in love anyway. I think he's my tallest and one of my heaviest and at the time, only Bray really compared to him for brawny cuddles, which are very comforting.


Arrival Date: 3/2/16

Size: 13"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 2124

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: Beacon's Glow

Cost: Gift (Retail $82.95)

Thoughts: Bryony was a gift for something I can't recall. She's one that I really love her design, but she's not good for cuddles, so she's a shelf-sitter. She's got the lovely long feathery fur, but like with Elderberry, it gets in your face a lot. She's also extremely skinny and I like someone a little fatter for sleep time cuddling. She's gorgeous though and she looks great on my shelf.


Arrival Date: 2/22/16 (Rehomed 5/21/16)

Size: 19"

Year: 2012

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $62.95 (Retail $105.95)

Thoughts: I bought Elderberry to hang out with Bray and Oodles. His coloring reminded me of Bray, only with burgundy instead of purple and much longer hair. Well, that much longer hair turned out to be the reason he eventually got rehomed. He wasn't comfortable to cuddle with, because the hair was always poking me in the face. 


Arrival Date: 2/18/16

Size: 21"

Year: 2010

Edition Size: 1923

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $104

Thoughts: I got Shades on ebay after thinking I wouldn't be able to find one easily. I was happy to win him, but he was only my second bought from the UK, so the wait for him seemed to take ages! He's one of my biggest guys and got quite a bit of attention right when I got him, but now he mostly hangs out on his shelf with Graeme and Scarecrow. I love his expressive face. There's no other bear in the CB lineup that's quite like Shades.


Arrival Date: 2/18/16

Size: 17"

Year: 2011

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: Bears Against MS 

Cost: $113.95

Thoughts: Hubble was my first plumo bear. These are mostly plush, but with some spots done in mohair. Well, Hubble's mohair spots are the insides of his ears and his muzzle, both spots your face can come in contact with during cuddle time. His mohair is a bit rough, which means he hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as he really deserves. I do love him because he's simply gorgeous with all those fur colors. He's just not quite right for extensive cuddles.


Arrival Date: 2/18/16

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing bear

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $59.95 (Retail $99.95)

Thoughts: I debated between Fabian and Cayden and ended up with Fabian ordered first, although Cayden made his way into the package after all. These two sit together on my shelves and are never going to be separated on display. 


Arrival Date: 2/18/16

Size: 13"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Standing bear

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $47.95 (Retail $79.95)

Thoughts: Cayden was bought with Hubble and Fabian. Cayden was the third added to the package! Both he and Fabian were on sale, so I splurged. He's a sweet little standing bear that I don't give nearly enough attention to, but I do love him.


Arrival Date: 2/8/16

Size: 11"

Year: 2011

Edition Size: 2700

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Facebook

Cost: $43

Thoughts: Dolce was my first purchase from a fellow collector on Facebook and my first experience with a wobbly bear. Wobble joints vary a LOT in just how loose they make your bear feel. I was nervous of doing anything with Dolce, even though he was actually the bear that first attracted me years before I started collecting. Being a doll collector, loose joints are a bad thing in my mind and I was scared I was going to break him. Now I understand wobble joints a bit more, although my wobblier bears don't tend to get moved around as much as others. Kuma is the only exception to that at the moment.


Arrival Date: 2/6/16

Size: 20"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay (Bonniesbears)

Cost: $108

Thoughts: Bray was my second big favorite after Oodles. His purple and brown just really work so well together. Who would have thought? I love his fur and his size. He's only a little taller than Oodles, but he's a lot heavier, as Oodles is more tall and skinny, while Bray has heft. He's a stellar bear and I love seeing him pop up in the fan spaces. You don't see a lot of him, but there are a few of us who love him very much!


Arrival Date: 1/25/16

Size: 19"

Year: 2010

Edition Size: 1603

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From:

Cost: $67

Thoughts: Brooklyn and Griffin were originally both on my wishlist, but once I got Brooklyn, I thought I really didn't need two such similar bears. I still like Griffin, but I've not been tempted to spend the money on him. Brooklyn is one I don't see very often on the Facebook groups or on ebay. Griffin is the easier to find of the two. Brooklyn is great for cuddling and there was a brief period where I napped with him several days in a row, but now he tends to be overshadowed by a lot of the others. I still love him though.  


Arrival Date: 1/19/16

Size: 19.5"

Year: 2013

Edition Size: 2400

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Bears Against MS

Cost: $69.95 (Retail $118.95)

Thoughts: Oodles was my first instant bonding. I saw a photo of him on Tumblr and HAD to have him. He's how I found my favorite stockist, Bears Against MS, and was my first purchase from there. Oodles is a patchwork bear, but he's an odd blend of colors that you don't normally think of as going together. He's got an extremely expressive face, possibly the most expressive on my shelves, which I love. In terms of favorites, only Kuma comes close to Oodles. They're just about tied.


Arrival Date: 1/19/16

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2014

Edition Size: 4000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From:

Cost: $45

Thoughts: Teeny little Pennychew. Same colors as Allsorts only with the mottled gray added in and she's smaller. They always sit together and I think of them as fraternal twins who finish each other's sentences a lot. These two are amongst the very few bears to keep their necklaces on. I take off the giant ones, especially if they're belled, but Allsorts and Penny have simple little necklaces that can even be kept on while napping. They're also a couple of my only Heather Lyell bears to have necklaces.


Arrival Date: 1/19/16

Size: 13"

Year: 2014

Edition Size: 4000

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From:

Cost: $45

Thoughts: Allsorts was another one who jumped out at me on ebay and I bought him and Pennychew from the same American shop online. After a mild kerfluffle, they arrived safely. Both of them are quite little. Allsorts is only a few inches shorter than Howie, but his scale is a lot different. I still love his colors though and I think he's great, even though he's a bit too small for me to continually go to for hugs. These littler bears are great for naps on the couch though, since they fit perfectly.

HOWIE (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 1/15/16 (Rehomed 7/1/16)

Size: 16"

Year: 2011 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $60

Thoughts: Howie caught my eye on ebay and he was my first CB purchase, but I had no idea he'd have so much girth when he arrived. 16" didn't seem that tall to me, so I just imagined him scaled down quite a bit. He has a sweet, youthful face that didn't match up with his size for me, so I ended up never really bonding with him and he was rehomed.