Friday, December 25, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/24/20

Size: 10"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Facebook collector

Cost: $53

Thoughts: Truckle was a Christmas gift from Mom. I saw him for sale on one of the FB groups and fell for that sad face, so she bought him for me and he's waited patiently in her closet until last  night. He's an adorable sad grumpy little thing.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

MINIKIN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 12/20/20 (rehomed 5/23)

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Minikin got dragged along into Mischief Maker's, mischief. He's one I wasn't 100% sure I was getting. My stockist only got 7 in and of those 7, I only loved 2. Well, by some miracle, when I had 2 left to choose from this guy, one of the two I loved, was still there. I admit I'm more smitten with Mischief Maker, but Minikin is lovely, too. 


Arrival Date: 12/20/20

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $100.95

Thoughts: I'm blaming Mischief Maker for how long it took on this transaction all around. There was an almost week-long hang up while waiting to choose both her and Minikin, and then they disappeared into the postal system's vortex of chaos. They quickly got to the place outside Tampa where Strudel went, but then after I think 5 days, they went up to...NYC. Yep. Well past North Carolina. They were a surprise arrival today and yeah, I'm totally blaming this little lady here. I miraculously got my first choice, even though I was pretty far down the line to choose. I love this little girl! She's gorgeous.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/17/20

Size: 16"

Year: 2017 (LE 40. Mine is #14.)

Designer: Kaycee Bears

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $198 (Retail $220)

Thoughts: I have wanted Mozart since 2017 when he came out. Sienna was part of the same collection and I picked her over him, but it was close. I think his higher price kept me away. I've been watching this particular one on ebay for literal years. I finally came into a bit of money and decided he had to come home at last. 2020 is the year I've brought other older Kaycees home, so I figured it was right to add one more. He's by far my biggest one at 16" and his hair is quite long. He's skinnier than I expected underneath it all, but he's a great hug. I love the long tail and his rust-lined ears. He's going to look perfect sitting on the opposite end of the shelf Sienna's on. 

Monday, December 7, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/7/20

Size: 18"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $109.95

Thoughts: Strudel was one of my top most wanted bears from the 2020 catalog. Rea, Logan, Carousel, Strudel, Crin and Roger. The latter four there are all Q4. Not that that means anything, because we're still missing Q2 bears in the US, including my beloved Logan. But I am happy we're finally getting some of our Q4s. Strudel is like Peach Cobbler, who wasn't on my pre-orders but I ended up caving and getting anyway. I still prefer the darker Strudel over her. He was worth waiting for. Though I did have a minor freakout last night, because he went from Orlando down to someplace in Tampa. I thought he was going to be lost and come really late. But no! He surprised me by being out for delivery, so thanks, Ybor City, for being fast enough to get my bear to Greenville in the wee hours and then thanks to Greenville for not sucking for once and getting him to Asheville early. I'm having a bit of a melancholy day, so I need some good bear hugs and Strudel is great for those. Everything good said about Peach Cobbler also applies to him. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/3/20

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 2500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $33.75

Thoughts: A lot of people complained about the big sale event the official Charlie Bears sales pages did, but I got this little girl for half price and she may have been the only one available, so I am not complaining one bit! I think I had Kibibi on pre-order back in 2018 only to have to cancel her. I'm glad she finally made it here, because she fits in perfectly on the shelf of bears with similar hairstyles (Stuart, Ainsley, Sharon and Justine are also there). She's adorable, tiny and very lightweight! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Arrival Date: 12/2/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $111.95

Thoughts: Miller was an unexpected buy. I thought he was pretty cute in the 2020 catalog, but I was pre-ordering so many, I decided I didn't need "giant Candace." But when he came out, I realized I love Candace enough to also have a giant version similar to her. Her giant big brother. I was late to the pre-order game though, so when my stockist got her 8, I was last in line. All 8 were cute though, so I waited...and waited...and waited. Some people take forever to choose. I try to be as fast as possible, though I'm slowed by a few hours if I'm at work. It took many days, but I finally got the notice to pick. I obsessively checked the Dropbox album, watching them go one by one. The one I expected to be left over actually was chosen second, while the one I thought was cutest kept not getting picked. So to my great surprise, the one I liked best ended up being one of the two left for me to pick from. (Someone must have declined for there to be 2 left.) And here he is. I still can't believe no one wanted this one!

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Arrival Date: 11/22/20

Size: 22"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $168

Thoughts: My big guy is here! Carousel was the first one in the 2020 catalog to really jump right out at me. I recognized that black fur with the neon red tipping right away as Together's fur. I adore Together, so Carousel was a must have. Being this stunning black and red would have been enough, too, but I really love Together's fur. Actually, I think the brighter red on his paws and ears is the same as Cherry Pie, who's another big favorite. Carousel is enormous at 22", though he doesn't have the girth of Christian, who is I think only an inch taller. I need to note that is NOT Carousel's necklace. I preferred this one that Valerie included, so I removed the heart he came with. I haven't cuddled with him yet, but I think he's going to be a great one for it.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Arrival Date: 11/21/20

Size: 17"

Year: 2015

Edition Size: 1800

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow collector on Facebook

Cost: $62 shipped

Thoughts: I fell in love with a Banjo quite a while ago and the transaction never went through. The seller was very difficult about me sending the money a certain way (the correct way) via Paypal when she'd never asked for her way (the wrong way) up front. if she had, I would have automatically refused to buy. I loved that bear though and I was very sad I couldn't adopt him. It's been worth the wait though to finally get him from a nice fellow collector, who saw my name by Banjo on the CB North America Facebook wishlist. She reached out to me while I was on vacation and I was able to finally bring home this adorable guy. He's an older bear from 2015, back they were made more like this. He's got really oversized feet and he's floppy in a good way and cuddly in a great way. I love him. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Arrival Date: 11/17/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $136

Thoughts: I wasn't completely sold on Moritz, but when he popped up on CB Direct and I couldn't order because we were leaving for vacation shortly, I was annoyed. Thankfully, he appeared on QVC while I was away and I was able to order before he sold out. Based on owner pics, I still wasn't positive on him and I'm glad I went the QVC route just in case, but he was to surprise me. I think mine is the best one I've seen yet. He's practically perfect. He's tyber, so he's incredibly soft, and his fur has purple undertones, so he's going to be pals with Carson and share that shelf. He's also plumo, so his ears and muzzle are both mohair. Some plumos are more patchy, which happens with mohair, but Moritz is looking good. I'm glad I got him!

Monday, November 2, 2020


Arrival Date: 11/2/20

Size: 22"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 2000 (Mine is #288.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $160.95

Thoughts: Oh, Griff. I kept seeing people's that were so cutesy and kinda goofy because he's prone to looking a little cross-eyed. I hoped I'd find one that was more stern and hoo boy, did he not disappoint. My Griff is more over it than you will ever manage to be in your life. If you play around with the fur over his eyes, he can also pull off looking very smirky. The detail level on him is fantastic and I adore him.  


Arrival Date: 11/2/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $128.95

Thoughts: Lee was the one I anticipated liking least of today's arrivals, but he actually won me over really quickly. He's partially tyber, which is always a great thing, and he's so silky soft when you hold him. He's taller and sleeker, too, so he's going to be a really good cuddler.  

LOLLYGAG (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 11/2/20 (Rehomed 1/23)

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Lollygag is definitely a very popular bear. I've seen a lot of him all over the various CB Facebook groups. Honestly though, she's (mine's a girl) my least favorite of today's four arrivals. I still think she's way overpriced for a Bearhouse (non-jointed) offering. The detail is there, but others have equal detail and cost less. She's still cute though and I do like her.  


Arrival Date: 11/2/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: I recently got Soda Pop and now Cheese Whizz is home. Definitely the male of the three siblings and also my favorite. He's more loosely stuffed so he's squishy and the cuddliest of the three. I love his golden yellow! I don't have many yellow bears.  

Friday, October 16, 2020


Arrival Date: 10/17/20 (Rehomed 2/25/21)

Size: 15"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $105

Thoughts: When I've been having a rough time at work, I have less patience, so I've been naughty and bought a couple Secret Collection bears there despite having pre-orders. I may want twins. You never know. I'm not cancelling the pre-orders. I grabbed Whatchamacallit as soon as I saw he was available. He's a very dark green and quite cute, though if you only like soft bears, take a pass on him. His longer fur is rather coarse.


Arrival Date: 10/16/20 (Rehomed 2023)

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $72.95

Thoughts: I like goats, so I wanted this guy. He's not my favorite Bearhouse ever, but he's adorable and definitely very detailed!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Arrival Date: 10/7/20

Size: 11"

Year: 2016 Sweetie Shop Collection

Edition Size: 1450

Designer: Heather Lyell

Purchased From: FB collector

Cost: $40

Thoughts: I never got little Pick back when the Sweetie Shop collection first came out. I went with Mix instead. When I saw her for only $40, I had to bring this tiny girl home. I love her soft raspberry color. Like Mix's yellow, the pink contrasts well with the black.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Arrival Date: 9/28/20

Size: 12"

Year: 2020 15th Anniversary Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $89.95

Thoughts: Shades is another bear that I have the original of, so again, had to have the mini version. I actually prefer this style of eyes. I don't care much for the earlier bears that were designed to look a bit cross-eyed like the big Shades was. 


Arrival Date: 9/28/20

Size: 12"

Year: 2020 15th Anniversary Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $89.95

Thoughts: I have the original Graeme. He was actually the second Charlie Bear to ever catch my eye back before I started collecting them. So I absolutely had to have his mini self. 



Arrival Date: 9/28/20

Size: 21"

Year: 2020 

Edition Size: 600 (Mine is #86.)

Designer: Alison Mills

Features: Jointed horns

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $146.95

Thoughts: I love this guy. He looks like something out of an 80s fantasy movie. Keys is very tall at 21", but he's so thin that he doesn't take up a lot of space. His horns are actually poseable. They rotate! He's soft, too, so he is cuddly, although not as much as others. The oddest thing about him is that all those gold spots are raised bumps. It feels a little weird when you hold him!



Arrival Date: 9/28/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: Cotton Candy finally gets her sister home. And their brother is not far behind. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Arrival Date: 9/17/20

Size: 18"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $133

Thoughts: I wasn't 100% smitten with Carson from the Sneaky Peeks catalog. Others got my attention more, but I did put him on my list. When he popped up on CB Direct, I went for it. He is quite the chonk! Definitely a heavier bear. His lighter parts are tyber for sure, but his purpley striped fur is also super silky soft. And he has a tail! I think my only other bears with tails are all smaller. So he's definitely far cuter than he looked in the promo pic. If you're into heavy, soft bears, you're going to need Carson. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Arrival Date: 9/10/20

Size: 18"

Year: 2020 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Razberry Threads

Cost: $110

Thoughts: Peach was not on my radar at first. Her partner Strudel is the one that immediately got pre-ordered. But Peach came out first and people's pictures and descriptions slowly won me over. Not enough to pre-order one though, because I knew I'd be bottom of the pile. Razberry Threads is a local stockist in downtown Asheville at the Grove Arcade, which is a moderately upscale mall in an elegant old building. I've been wanting to go for ages, but when they posted pictures of Peach, I finally made plans to do so. I don't like how they have the bears arranged. All of them are above your head unless you're super tall and some are behind the counter. So bonding with them is basically impossible. But I knew who I wanted and pulled her down from her spot beside Danuta. Peach doesn't have what I'd call long pile fur, but it's not short either. Medium pile? I guess? She's very soft and cuddly, and she's quite lightweight for her size. Mine's a little bit disgruntled-looking, probably because she was stuck on a high shelf away from potential adopters. Heh. 

Monday, August 31, 2020


Arrival Date: 8/31/20

Size: 13"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $96

Thoughts: I fell for Bambino as soon as I saw his stock pic. I had him on pre-order, but the wait has been ridiculous. First, CB Direct got him and then more recently, QVC, but not stockists. After ordering Nick, I finally caved and gave in to my Bambino need. He's like Moppet (same size even) and Dimples. They're super soft and super cuddly. I hardly have any black bears, so he's a welcome addition to the hug. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Arrival Date: 8/26/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020 

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $126

Thoughts: Rachel is very similar to Nick and she came out a bit ago. I thought she was interesting, but it was only when I started seeing people's Nicks that these two caught my attention more. I decided to try Nick first, because someone had just shared a picture of the cutest one. I'm still not sure I want Rachel. She's a maybe. I don't always need to have the matching bears, even if I really the one of the pair that I have. Nick though. I was hoping for a face like the one I fell for and boy, did I get it! I think mine might even be cuter than that one with his giant "love me" eyes. His feathery fur is softer than I expected. Definitely softer than past feathery bears I've had. He's so nice and squishy, too! He's much lighter than I expected a 19" bear to be and he's not so heavily stuffed, so he's squishy and cuddly.   

Thursday, August 20, 2020

DILBERT (Rehomed)


Arrival Date: 8/20/20

Size: 18"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $100.95

Thoughts: Dilbert is one I wasn't completely convinced I wanted, but I put myself on the pre-order list anyway. A lot of the earlier ones were too light. Then I started seeing people in the US who supported QVC and CB Direct instead of stockists (stockists always get the shaft and get things last, which sucks) getting theirs with darker faces. So I had hope that when he finally made it to my stockist that there would be a good one for me. And there was. Dilbert is actually a slate blue. I was never sure if he was blue or gray. He's a bit skinnier. Kinda reminds me of the Magical Snugglies, but not quite that lanky. He's got a squishy tum so I think he'll be nice and cuddly. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020



Arrival Date: 8/15/20

Size: 11"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $90

Thoughts: Kuma is one of my favorite bears. He's sat on my bed ever since I got him years ago. So when I saw one of the 15th anniversary bears was him, I had to have him. He's been through quite a lot, since he was shipped on August 4th and only just arrived today. Poor little guy! He's adorable, although I honestly wish they'd stuck with the simple plain black eyes. That would have made him look more similar. But he's still adorable!

Monday, August 10, 2020

JANE (Rehomed)


Arrival Date: 8/10/20

Size: 15"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 3200

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Fellow collector via Facebook

Cost: $120

Thoughts: Jane is an older bear that didn't catch my eye until she became unavailable from all the US stockists. Of course. I never got around to importing her, but considered it a couple times. Finally, I lucked into this one from a lovely US collector that offered her to me after seeing the bear's name on the group wishlist. For a rather plain and unassuming bear, Jane's arrival was sure loaded with chaos. She was marked as delivered in a parcel locker at 8:49am today. But I got no texts or email with a Hub number. So I tried calling the office repeatedly, only to get no answer. My mom was working with me and when she left, she called them. They couldn't see anything in the Hub for me. So Mom came home and checked our mail. No key. This is the FIFTH mishandled mail incident we've had within the past month. So she got on the phone with the post office and tore them several new ones. They promised to do something, but did nothing. Thankfully, whoever the package was misdelivered to was more honest than last time and they brought the box to our door. They just left it, so Mom had no idea who it was, but at least Jane is safely home. She's super soft. A bit less ostentatious than what I normally like, but she suits her name. Plain yet also elegant and classy. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Arrival Date: 7/23/20

Size: 13"ish

Year: 2020 Best Friends Club

Edition Size: 600 (Mine is #328.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $88 ($98 retail)

Thoughts: It took forever for the US to get Baby Bam, as he's called, due to covid-related bullshit. We're still horrifically behind. But things from Q2 are finally starting to seep in. A list of collectors' names was sent to CB Direct after a lot of us (including many essential workers) missed out on him, because they put him on sale during a show that we worked during. (Not the best idea. And they're doing it again in August.) However, in even more bullshit, they did a random draw instead of addressing the list of names they ASKED to be sent. Which pretty much completely sucks. I was however lucky enough to get chosen so I was able to purchase Bam and he arrived today, three days later than he should have, because the mail also sucks right now. Ugh. Let's just say everything sucks right now. Except little Bam. He's adorable.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Arrival Date: 7/19/20

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $66

Thoughts: I never planned on buying Justine. I mean, let's face it, I tend to like more colorful bears. Her stock picture was particularly unflattering, too. So when I saw this adorable one on ebay from an American seller, I was surprised by how much I liked her. I ended up winning and she was a surprise early delivery today! She's very squishy and more lightly-stuffed than some of my others. Kind of like Stuart, Sharon and Ainsley, who I think she'll fit in well with. I just need to make some space on that shelf for her.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

MOSEY (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/15/20 (Rehomed 5/2023)

Size: 13" (ish)

Year: 2018

Edition Size: 1390

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: All Nations Trading (local stockist)

Cost: $60.95

Thoughts: I was shopping in Hendersonville today when Mom and I passed a store and I stopped in my tracks, because I saw the white year bear staring at me from the window. I went inside and it sells mostly Native American goods, but also CBs! My very first time seeing CBs in a STORE! I thought I wasn't going to get anyone. I had most of them, aside from the bigger ones I have no space for. But then I saw Mosey back behind the register a bit. I was like "Oh! Mosey!" The lady said he was the last one and he was holding some random fake flowers. I looked him over and decided to adopt him. I've always liked him, but never hunted him down. He's wayyyyyyyyy bigger than he looks. I should have taken a profile shot, but his body is almost as thick as it is wide. He's quite cylindrical, aside from the limbs. So cute!

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Arrival Date: 6/18/20

Size: 16"

Year: 2020 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free! Used my PAWS and only paid part of shipping. (Retail $114.95)

Thoughts: Dimples was one of the Secret Collection I really fell for. I can't exactly say why. He's one of the most standard teddy bear-types in my entire CB collection. Maybe it's the chonk or the tyber fur that I knew would be soft. Or  maybe it's because he reminds me a little bit of tiny Dave only bigger and with a dark muzzle. He's great in person though and I think he's going to be almost as comforting as Rum Baba to cuddle.

Monday, June 15, 2020


Arrival Date: 6/15/20

Size: 15"

Year: 2018 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 800

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $135

Thoughts: FINALLY. In two ways. First, FINALLY I get to own a Stuart. He's from a set of three released in 2018. Ainsley was part of the regular collection and Sharon was from the Secret Collection, like Stuart. We got Ainsley, of course, and then also Sharon here in the US, so I kept waiting for them to let us have Stuart. And while I waited, he disappeared from CB Direct UK and I missed the opportunity to order him because, you guessed it, we never got him here. I really should have just imported him, because it would have been cheaper than the price I paid on ebay for him now! Second, FINALLY he got here, because he was supposed  to be delivered on freakin' Friday. His box was all beat up, too, and they jammed it into the package hub, so I had to really pull to get it out of there. Thanks, USPS. Anyway, if you'd asked me back in 2018, which one of this trio was my favorite, I might have said Sharon. Or Ainsley. I don't think I would have picked Stuart, but he's definitely my favorite now. The fabric used for his limbs and ears is actually a pale blue tipped in that sandy color, so he kind of glows blue and it's awesome. And not easy to photograph or I would have liked him more from the beginning!

Monday, June 8, 2020


Arrival Date: 6/8/20

Size: 20"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1500

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $130.95

Thoughts: Danuta was a last-minute addition. She was completely not on my radar, because in her promo photo, she looked rather monochrome and boring. Very tan. But a few weeks ago, owner photos started appearing and they showed she was a lovely peach shade. (Some make her look pinkish, but that's just odd lighting. She's not pink at all.) So I added her to my pre-orders. I ended up being third to choose, but I had the advantage of my most wanted being this unusual lady. There were plenty that were more traditionally cute and looked more like my Marisa, but I'm drawn to unusual faces a lot of the time. This is especially so when I'm getting two bear characters who are so similar. I like a little variation. So when it came my turn, this wide-eyed lady was waiting for me. I love her because she looks really leonine.


Arrival Date: 6/8/20

Size: 20"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $130.95

Thoughts: Marisa went on my pre-order list right away, so I was first in line to choose and got this beauty. I love her colors. These ladies are 20" tall, but they're not overwhelmingly huge. They're mostly long arms and legs and not so chunky in the body. Their arms, legs and ears appear to be tyber plush. They're so soft! Marisa and Danuta are going to join Simone on the same shelf, as I see similarities in them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Arrival Date: 5/26/20

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $137.95

Thoughts: König was not on my original pre-order list, but when I redid it not long after submitting the first version, a few small bears came off and he went on. I was 5th in line to pick, so when one particular König jumped out at me, I decided not to get attached because he was too perfect. I actually got attached to a different one that I didn't think anyone would pick. Almost all of his black face striping was only on one side, but I liked his expression a lot. So time goes by and it's finally my turn to pick. And I think you can guess what happened. The second one with the stripes on one side got picked...yet my first choice...was still there and this is him. I am still completely shocked that no one chose him. His face is so nicely balanced! If you'd seen all the different ones, you'd know what I mean, but really, his only odd feature is that one thicker black stripe under his left eye. I generally prefer more unique animals when it comes to my non-bear CBs. Unusual species like Rea the binturong or unusual colors like Dandy and Clock. So König is a bit of an odd choice for me because he's just a tiger, but he's also one hell of a perfect tiger! And yes, I'm spelling his name correctly. They chose to leave the umlaut off (and then pronounce it wrong), but König is properly spelled with the umlaut. That's the word that means king. Konig without the umlaut is just a bastardization that's mostly used as a surname or place name.

Monday, May 18, 2020


Arrival Date: 5/18/20

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1290

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $95.95

Thoughts: Diane was never on my want list. When I saw her on QVC, I was very slightly tempted, but then quickly resisted. I saw how sad a lot of people's looked when they posted pics and decided I was glad I didn't blindly order one from QVC. I like her design, because it's similar to Muffin and Bakewell and she's soft, too. I was perusing Valerie's Dropbox albums when looking up if she had something available to order. I think I wanted the info for one of my blog posts. And there was this Diane. I completely fell for that unusual face. She's got wider-set eyes than others and I just love her gentle look.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Arrival Date: 5/12/20

Size: 23"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $160.95

Thoughts: What a big guy! Of all my bears, only Bertha is bigger than Christian. Gum Drop the bunny is actually the same height, but he's only a mere fraction of the mass Christian is. I wasn't sure on this adoption. I liked both Lachlan and Christian from the catalog, but only let myself pre-order one and with his burgundy bits, it had to be  Christian. I wasn't 100% sure until I saw his photos though, because not only is he big, he's also quite expensive. But I fell in love with this one and had to bring him home. For his size, he's not particularly heavy or too large to cuddle. (Like poor Bertha. She never gets attention because she's just too big, but she sure is gorgeous.) I'm not sure where I'm going to display him, but I'll find a space!

Monday, May 4, 2020


Arrival Date: 5/4/20

Rehomed: 1/2/22 

Size: 18"

Year: 2014 Secret Collection

Edition Size: 600

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: Fellow collector

Cost: $165

Thoughts: I've wanted Blackbeary for years, but finding him in the US is basically impossible. I managed to get one from the same awesome collector I've bought many bears from. He went on quite the journey though! He was shipped on the 21st and just vanished into the system, last logged on the 25th. He didn't reappear scanned anywhere until he showed up in Virginia on Saturday. That's the 2nd. That's 12 days. He finally arrived safely this morning and the box isn't even beat up or anything. Priority, my ass. I'd make allowances for Covid, but I've gotten every other package in a timely fashion and many even early, so no, that's not the reason. He was worth waiting for though! He goes so perfectly with Demi on my purple bear shelf.

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Arrival Date: 4/30/20

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2016

Edition Size: 3000

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Wolfe's Den

Cost: $112 (Retail $100.95, but I got free shipping.)

Thoughts: Marshmallow may have been on my original 2016 pre-order list. I can't remember. But I do know I cancelled him and can't recall why. I got the bug for him again and was lucky enough to be contacted by a landscaper/garden shop that's also a stockist. He made it really quickly from PA and got here in only 2 days! Marshmallow uses some of the same fabric Susan does and I adore Susan, so they'll get to sit together. He's a tall, skinny bear and I think this is the cutest one I've ever seen. The random pattern fabric makes them all unique. So he was worth waiting for.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Arrival Date: 4/29/20

Size: 16"

Year: 2015 (LE 30. Mine is #11.)

Designer: Kaycee Bears

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $75 (Retail $158.95)

Thoughts: I've also wanted Ariel for years! I'm a sucker for orange as much as red/black and she was a must have. I'm really grateful the secondary market for Kaycees is pretty low. I got an amazing deal on Idris and then on Ariel, too. I only wish I'd been able to get Atlantis to go along with her, but that one sold after ages of being on ebay. But I'm glad if I could only get one of the pair that it was Ariel. She's a bright ball of orange fluff and she looks great with Tango.


Arrival Date: 4/29/20

Size: 13"

Year: Autumn 2015 (LE 75. Mine is #3.)

Designer: Kaycee Bears

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: $75 (Retail $356.95)

Thoughts: I still cannot believe I got such a good deal on this guy! I first saw him on Beacon's Glow's website years ago and I loved him, but his price tag was a little out of reach. I thought about doing layaway, but I made less money back then and I had a lot of CB pre-orders so I never did. I was perusing Kaycee offerings on ebay last week or so and came across his auction with a BIN of $94.99. I opted to make on offer, because why not? And then was floored when they accepted my $75. He looks smaller in pictures than he comes across in person. My first thought when I peeled the tissue paper back was "Wow, he's bigger than I expected." His coloring is GORGEOUS. I'm a sucker for black and red to begin with, but wow. He's just a perfect little dragon with the sweetest face.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Arrival Date: 4/15/20 

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC and BAMS

Cost: $119 

Thoughts: Rea is a binturong and they are awesome animals. When I saw the 2020 catalog, he was the one that leapt out at me and I was so thrilled he was 1st quarter. Naturally, that meant tail end of the first quarter (technically, now we're in second quarter even), so I very impatiently kept waiting. When I saw him on QVC, I couldn't resist ordering, even though I had him pre-ordered. These are trying times and I wanted my Rea. He's been my close companion when I'm home (I'm working overtime lately). (I did have twins for a time but rehomed one in 2023.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Size: 23"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1300

Designer: Allison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $67.95

Thoughts: Gum Drop was a very unexpected purchase. I'd seen several of these bunnies, along with Pear Drop and Dew Drop, and wasn't interested, but when I was looking at Willamena's photos, this particular one jumped right out at me and said "bring me home!" I love the markings on his face. Gum Drop is my second tallest CB at a whopping 23", but you'd never know it, because his legs are bent at the knees. He's tall and skinny, all ears and legs, and I love his colors and softness.


Arrival Date: 4/15/20 (Rehomed 2/26/21)

Size: 19"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $124.95

Thoughts: Oh, Willamena. After seeing some owner pics from the UK, I decided to add her to my pre-order list. Then she turned up on QVC, so I ordered one to check her out in person. I didn't care for that one, so I ordered a replacement...and didn't care for that one either! I figured my last shot of getting her was my pre-ordered one, which I should have just stuck with in the first place, but I get impatient to see new ones sometimes. I knew I wasn't high on the choosing list though, so when I saw the photos and only one bear jumped out at me, I planned on not getting her. Yet by some miracle, no one wanted my choice! So here she is. Willamena is a big chunk of a bear. Very stocky and sturdy. She's a lovely apricot color, which is what won me over when I saw owner pics. Her face is also an unusual shape with a shorter muzzle and downward slanted profile.

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Size: 14"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $99.75

Thoughts: I've always been able to pass on the CB cats, aside from the big cats, but I fell for Queenie. I do like Siamese, because my aunt always did, and I preferred her darker tones to Precious's lighter ones. I was pleasantly surprised to see the gorgeous blue eyes! They didn't show in the promo photo or on TV (not that they presented either Siamese during the show). I love her different shape with the adorable paws. The rosette on her bow is a nice touch, too. She's lovely!


Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $77.12

Thoughts: Dido was my most wanted from the newest Sneaky Peeks catalog. I totally fell for her unusual look, plus the name is a Classical one, so there's that. I have been working really hard to keep saying "she" and "her" because both of the ones I got to pick from looked like little boy bears, but I want to respect the name and make her a girl. I'm getting there! She's a coarser plush, but still very cuddly, and I like the different texture. She's also very random, especially in the placement of her white patches, so no two should look alike. Also...surprise!...she's a very dark brown! I was expecting black to be her main color, but no, it's dark brown. Definitely one of my two favorites from today's arrival, the other being Kate.

MOPPET (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Size: 13"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 900

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $89.75

Thoughts: Moppet was not originally on my wishlist, but then I saw UK people's pics and thought he was pretty cute. I like the one called Dimples, who's a similar style, but slightly bigger and browner. So I figured why not Moppet, too? He's tyber plush, which is the super duper soft one, and I love the soft mushroomy shade.

KIM (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Rehomed: 1/2/22

Size: 11"

Year: 2020

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $75.50

Thoughts: Tiny little Kim is the third in the trio of Kay, Koko and Kim. I think she might be my favorite one! I'm always a sucker for green.


Arrival Date: 3/19/20

Size: 15"

Year: 2020

Edition Size: 1407

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $81.12

Thoughts: Man, do I love Kate. She was my most wanted that I expected to be on Wednesday's QVC show. She does not disappoint one little bit. I'm so happy with her markings! She even has a little "eye liner" in the form of black points in the outer corners of her eyes. She's a bit of an unusual plush because some of her patches are far shorter pile than others, but I think the overall effect is cool.