Saturday, December 30, 2023


Arrival Date: 12/30/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $121.95

Thoughts: I love this color! I'm not sure I have any other CBs quite these shades. Beautiful. Smog is a cute little bear that goes along with Foggy. Small but still cuddly. 


Arrival Date: 12/30/23

Size: 14.5" officially, but definitely bigger

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: FINALLY. Stompy is a Quarter 1 character, which means we should have had him in the spring. However, the UK and Australia got him, and we were left in the cold AGAIN. I hate when they do this. They should always guarantee each of the three locations gets each character roughly around the same time. Shipping differences are understandable, because Australia is closest to the warehouses, etc., but the US should never be MONTHS later when the other locations are getting their second or even third batch. Anyway, he was worth waiting for, as he's absolutely gorgeous, but we never should have been waiting this long. He's humongous! Yet he's not actually that heavy. And what a face!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Arrival Date: 12/18/23

Size: 7"

Year: 2023

Edition Size: 365 (Mine is #312.)

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $175

Thoughts: This one was unexpected! I mentioned being interested in him before any stockists had any idea of their allocations or really any details at all, so I totally forgot about him until my stockist told me I could pick mine and he could ride along with Tardy. I really wasn't planning on his level of expense, but I do like the design a lot. He reminds me of a very popular older mohair bear that I will never, ever own, so he's like my mini version of that bear, as well as representing my birth month. (My stockist included the "sapphire" necklace.) This one's face was just too cute. Honestly, if he wasn't there, I don't think I would have picked one of the others. But he's darling and a nice addition to my very small mohair collection. (I think I have 6 now.) 


 Arrival Date: 12/18/23

Size: 13-15"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $119

Thoughts: FINALLY. Tardy was one of my faves from this year, but he's taken eternity to get home. I honestly kept changing my feelings about him. He's very popular and some people are downright obsessed with him, so that made me less excited for him. But now that I have him in person, I can properly enjoy his extreme cuddleability. He's fantastic. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Arrival Date: 11/28/23

Size: 17.5"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $168

Thoughts: THIS GUY. I was silly and did not have him on my initial preorder list, but quickly added him on with some others. So I was fourth in line to pick and really hoping people would be fast so I could get him before vacation. I'm very grateful to the three people in front of me for being way faster than people usually are. He is GORGEOUS. He's got kind of an upturned head, so he's very endearing, and his fur is lovely. He's a little on the skinny side, definitely not as big as I was expecting. He's coming along on vacation with me. 


Arrival Date: 11/28/23

Size: 15"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $133

Thoughts: My stockist's husband has had some medical issues, so she's gotten behind in her latest deliveries. Thankfully, he seems to be on the mend and she was able to catch up enough that I got two of my three preorders before I left for vacation. I've been so eagerly awaiting these three. Harvest Moon here was one of my most wanted from the 2023 catalogue and she does not disappoint one bit. I love orange yet I don't have many orange bears. Pink, purple and blue are definitely the favored "different" colors in CB world. Harvest Moon is in the same style as Blue Moon, who I got a while back, and there's an upcoming pink one named Rose Moon. Harvest is obviously going to be my fave though. Her colors. Wow. They're absolutely stunning.  

Monday, October 30, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/30/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $99 after $20 coupon (Retail $119)

Thoughts: I was happy to use my Best Friends Club coupon on Confetti when she appeared on CB Direct last week. She arrived today and just like Streamers, she's small, soft and very cuddly. I love her even more than him, as she's an unusual color combo I've not seen before. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/16/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2023

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $95)

Thoughts: The dragon hatchlings are definitely one of the more unusual things Charlie Bears have ever done. I like Shadow Night, but I'm honestly not sure I also need the second one, Storm Chaser. I don't know where the idea of dragons having fur came from. It's a choice. He has tiny wings on his back in the same fabric as the neck ruff. He's cute but certainly odd!

Friday, October 13, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/13/23

Size: 18"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $92 (Retail $112. Had a $20 off coupon.)

Thoughts: I had a coupon from QVC and they happened to add some new items, so I ended up ordering BFF here. He reminds me a lot of a 2013 Heather Lyell bear named Otto. I always liked Otto, but he was 22" tall and seemed pretty massive in photos. Because I'll never buy him and because BFF is a silly name, I'm going to call this guy Otto. He's tall, but not a large-scale bear, and he's got a nice squishy tummy, so he should be good and cuddly.  

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/10/23

Size: 18"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: Artisanal Bears

Cost: $105

Thoughts: Oh, what a face! I fell in love with Swish when I saw real pics of him from Australia. This has been a rough couple weeks, so I needed a cute pick-me-up and he worked perfectly for that. He's incredibly adorable with that big smile. I still think adding the "toe" strings was a choice. They should have only done one to represent the cloven hooves of a unicorn. But thankfully, they blend in quite well and don't detract from his cuteness.

Monday, October 9, 2023


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 15"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Avril wasn't on my preorder list, but I liked owner pics of her. She's an unusual bear with her light blue "beard." It hasn't 100% grown on me yet, but I love everything else about her, so I think it will. 


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 12.5"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: Jupiter is the second of the planet bears to be released. He's a lovely dark green theme, as opposed to Neptune's blue. The softness of this series always surprises me. Jupiter was the first one that I cuddled after I opened the box. The necklace from my stockist, though it's Saturn, is the perfect color for him.  


Arrival Date: 10/7/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $121.95

Thoughts: Foggy is a lot smaller than he looks in pictures somehow. I love green bears and it's one of the least used colors, so I'm happy to have another green one to add to my shelves. The mushroom necklace is from my stockist and looks cute on him. 

Monday, August 21, 2023


Arrival Date: 8/21/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: Ah, chonky Streamers. He's so soft! I love him more than I expected to. I have bears in lots of colors, but he doesn't really match any of the others, so it's nice to have someone unique. 


Arrival Date: 8/21/23

Size: 15"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Ah, Blue Moon. I fell in love with Harvest Moon, her orange sister, immediately. Absolute must have, one of my most anticipated of the year. Rose Moon, their pink sister, looks different than other pink bears I have. That left Blue Moon as a bit of an uncertainty, because I thought she looked a lot like Misty from 2021. However, in person, she's quite a different bear and I'm glad I ended up ordering her. She's quite soft and almost entirely shades of blue. My stockist picked the perfect necklace for her, too. (That piece does not come with every Blue Moon.)

Friday, August 18, 2023


Arrival Date: 8/18/23

Size: 14.5"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Oh, Kevin. All Kevins look quite a bit different from each other. I loved a few when he first appeared in Australia and then had a struggle to decide between the really cute one my stockist had...and this guy. The other was more typically cute. This guy reminds me of a mogwai or some sort of owl or something. He looks grizzled and a bit over it all. I think he'll be the perfect partner for watching my history shows with. He's also quite cuddly and the darker brown fur is really soft.


Arrival Date: 8/18/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Features: Plumo

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Ah, cute little Night Owl. He was a late addition to my preorders, but I still got my second choice. He's a sweet bear whose dark patches make him look a bit sad. He's soft and adorable and I'm looking forward to cuddling him. 


Arrival Date: 8/18/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2021

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $89.95)

Thoughts: Pampas looks as exasperated as I feel about having to wait two whole years for Charlie Bears to FINALLY get some of him to the US. I honestly don't think they did this very fairly. The UK definitely got him in 2021 and Australia may have, too. We got zero. And yet they didn't try to get him produced any faster or even try to get us some first when we were left out. Not very fair. They're really lovely people, but simply not very thoughtful when it comes to making things fair. So yeah, disgruntled about having to wait literal years for him, but he's finally home. He's a big Bearhouse character, so he's perfectly cuddly. Just very grumpy. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Arrival Date: 8/17/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $112

Thoughts: Monica wasn't on my list at all until I saw owner photos of her. Then I saw how cute her face is and ended up ordering her from QVC. She's a tiny little thing, quite delicate. Her fur is this soft pinky-purple. She reminds me of the orchid Crayola crayon. Very pretty!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Arrival Date: 8/9/23

Size: 17"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $161

Thoughts: I am in love with this bear. My Yannie is not perfect. Her eye whites are uneven and the fur around her left eye is a bit oddly cut, but I fell in love with her the second I pulled her out of the box. She's tyber, so she's just incredibly super soft all over. Her huge poofy round ears are adorable. 

Monday, August 7, 2023


Arrival Date: 8/7/23

Size: 13"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $112

Thoughts: Noon is another one I wasn't sure on, because I really couldn't tell what color he was. Is that gray or blue? I thought blue, which is why I pre-ordered him, and I was right. His fur has gold on the tips, but underneath, it's kind of a denim shade of blue. He's really soft and a nice small size. I also like how chunky he is. He reminds me of old favorites like Sid and Paul. 


Arrival Date: 8/7/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $126

Thoughts: I wasn't sure on Peanuts because she looks a lot like Clinton. In person though, they're pretty different. Peanuts is very soft, especially her longer pile torso fur. She's a cute, small bear in nice warm browns. 


 Arrival Date: 8/7/23

Size: 15.5" 

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $126

Thoughts: So Mighty makes three mammoths in my CB collection. Never thought I'd say that. He's the most realistic of the three and he's pretty spectacular. He has a tiny tail in the back. He wouldn't sit on the back of the couch and I was too lazy to move him to the chair where I usually photograph the big guys. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Arrival Date: 7/25/23

Size: 17"

Year: 2015

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $74

Thoughts: Woburn is another older Bearhouse. I'm trying to pick up some of them when they turn up on ebay. I hate having to import, but so few of these are in the US that there's no other real option. He's a real cute horse in the simpler early Bearhouse style. The materials are very nice. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

HOG (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 7/22/23

Size: 10"

Year: 2023 Cuddle Time Exclusive

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $63

Thoughts: An unplanned tiny purchase. And I do mean tiny. Hog is only 10" and fits right in the palm of my hand. I wasn't going to get him, but then I saw the video and the scoopy snout won me over. Hog is unusual in that he only has four joints (shoulders and hips). His neck is not jointed. He also has these neat paws that are unique. I've never seen paws like this on a CB before. He's sitting with Bristle right now. Bristle is still my fave hedgehog, but Hog was worth getting. He's adorable. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Arrival Date: 7/13/23

Size: 18"

Year: 2016

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $42

Thoughts: I've wanted Leeds for years and finally got this one from ebay. He needed some cleaning but seems to have turned out nicely. I love that I can put the Bearhouse line into the washing machine without worry. Leeds is a pretty tall guy and he's super soft and cuddly. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Arrival Date: 7/13/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $188.95

Thoughts: Carnival was on my "maybe" list for the year. Bears I didn't preorder, but who had a good chance of being added to the collection if I liked them "in the fur." I wasn't 100% sold on Carnival even after seeing people's photos. He was nice, but let's face it, these guys are more expensive than ever and I need to be more choosy. Then my stockist got hers in and I saw this guy. Every single other Carnival had a grumpy old man face, as one of my friends put it, yet one by one, other bears got chosen and this beauty was left behind. I couldn't believe it when Valerie said preorders were done and he was still there. So I snatched him right up. His colors are even more lovely in person. Very vibrant, very fall. His fur is soft and silky. He's tall at 19", but he's one of those that's mostly leg and he's slim, so he'll go nicely exactly in the spot I have planned for him. Definitely glad everyone left him for me, otherwise I probably would never have tried this bear out.

Friday, July 7, 2023


Arrival Date: 7/7/23

Size: 12"

Year: 2023 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $118.95

Thoughts: He's so much softer than I expected! This gorgeous little guy is just perfect. And Valerie picked a great necklace for him. (Note to future self: The moon isn't stock.) He makes me even more excited for Pluto and Jupiter. I'd love to see them continue this series with the other planets. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023


Arrival Date: 6/24/23

Size: 16"

Year: 2023 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: CB Direct

Cost: $140

Thoughts: Dana in real life looks a lot different than promo photo Dana. The promo bear had a head that looked really round and the hair didn't come down as long onto her shoulders. It was like a puffball. She was also a few shades darker than this. I think she's gorgeous as is, so I'm not exactly disappointed, but I do wish they'd try a little harder to make the final product look like the prototype. Take photos again if the colors aren't being captured right. If I can take a picture with my basic digital camera and get the right shades, why was their picture so dark? She's still a beautiful bear with amusingly stubbly little legs, but if you want exactly what's in the photo, you're not going to get it. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Arrival Date: 6/13/23

Size: 13.5" 

Year: 2015

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $12.50 before shipping from the UK ($51 total)

Thoughts: I believe the Bearhouse line began in 2013, so Chiswick is from one of the earlier collections. They used to be a bit more basic like this and I think the quality started amping up around 2017. But the early ones are still plenty cute. I've always been drawn to Chiswick, though it's taken me this long to buy one. He's large and very soft, definitely cuddly. He is permanently seated, though that doesn't bother me a bit. I like the contrast of the curlier tan fur on his sleek black fur. He's very cute. 

Monday, June 5, 2023


Arrival Date: 6/5/23

Size: 14.5" 

Year: 2023

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS 

Cost: $119

Thoughts: Cave! I really expected this guy to be my first of the 2023 collection, but third isn't too far behind. He's simply darling. Such a sweet face and I love the shape of him and how he sits in various positions. He feels the most bear-like of anything they've ever done. His fur is soft, too, so he's going to be super great at...bear hugs. 


Arrival Date: 6/5/23

Size: 15" 

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS 

Cost: $110

Thoughts: Perth's height is officially listed at 15", which is probably accurate, but his length with that tail has got to be almost double that! Perth is a coatimundi. He's my second last arrival from the 2022 collection. I'm only waiting on Sydney the long-awaited echidna now and I hope they're working hard on him. A lot of people keep asking. Anyway, Perth is adorable. I think they did well with the resemblance, unlike some others in the Bearhouse endangered species collection. He's very detail and soft, so I think he'll be a good cuddler.

Monday, May 15, 2023


Arrival Date: 5/13/23 and 5/15/23

Size: 16"

Year: 2023

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: Artisanal Bears (left) & BAMS (right)

Cost: $84

Thoughts: I loved Higgledy in the catalogue, because he looked like Kaleidoscope but with darker colors that were more to my liking. (I love Kaleidoscope, but darker jewel tones are a weakness.) The catalogue model had red on his face, so that's what I wanted. When I saw the one on the left, I loved him, but my stockist was adding her pictures soon, so I waited to see if she'd have one similar. Thankfully, she put up the photos later the same day and I saw the only one with more red on the face wasn't one I liked. I was drawn to the green-faced one on the right, so I bought him, then also bought my red-faced guy on the left. I don't have twins often, but these two are so different and each in an appealing unique way, that I had to have them both. Higgledy is a soft-furred cuddly bear with a skinnier body and large feet. He's excellent if you want someone more colorful and no two will ever be alike!


Arrival Date: 5/13/23

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2023

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $98)

Thoughts: I was very surprised to learn my first two 2023 arrivals would be from the 2nd quarter! The US is the first to get these guys. I was really expecting Cave and Stompy from Q1, but Cave at least should be coming later in the month. Tusk was one of my most wanted from this year's plush collection. I've loved prehistoric creatures since I was little and he's adorable! I love the shorter hair on his head and he's actually a giggler with an open mouth that's hidden from the front. He also has bent legs at the knee so he perches on your arm when you carry him. It makes him extra cuddly.

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Arrival Date: 5/6/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $175

Thoughts: Granddad didn't catch my eye in the catalogue last year, but I thought his actual bears were cute when my stockist got hers in. I still wanted to give him an audition first, so when he hit QVC, I planned to order one and I'm not a bit disappointed. He's a good-sized, chunky, heavy guy, but he's got this cottony soft fur and he seems like he's going to be very cuddly. He reminds me of the rounded quality bears like Cinnamon and Kermode have. Very cute face, too. He definitely does not look like a Granddad to me! I'll have to come up with a different name. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

KATHLEEN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23 (Rehomed 2023)

Size: 18"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132

Thoughts: I've been eyeing this Kathleen from my stockist and I finally got around to adding her to an order. She's basically the same as Vernon only in different colors and I love him. I love grumpy Kathleen slightly less, but only because Vernon sets the bar pretty high. She's an awesome bear in a pretty unique color combo and she's cuddly like Vernon is.

BLITZEN (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2022

Designer: Alison Mills

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $182

Thoughts: I like the Signature Collection, but they tend to be out of my price range and a lot of them are standing, which is not my thing. I have to really love a standing bear to get him. The reindeer aren't standers and there was something about Blitzen that I really liked, so I ended up with him. I think he's very stately and handsome, but I definitely do not see the price reflected in the product. He's also possibly the least cuddly plush I own aside from my couple standing tiny bears. I tried snuggling with him and the antlers and rough fabric coat are just not good enough. I still like him, but I'm considering him a lesson learned on the Signature pieces. I'll just admire them in other people's pics. 

LONDON (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 5/5/23 (Rehomed 12/23)

Size: 15.5"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104

Thoughts: I wasn't 100% on London and I've still not bonded with him, but he's also barely arrived and I think I will bond eventually. I picked one with a starey expression, because I liked it. He's very well-done and detailed. I think I'll love him. I just haven't had much time with the newbies.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Arrival Date: 4/19/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: Lovely Bears

Cost: About $97 (Retail $112)

Thoughts: Houston the shoebill stork was one of my most wanted from 2022's collection. I was very upset when I saw both Australia and the UK get him twice when we haven't had him once. The last time that happened to me, I waited over 2 years to get Angelica. That was not happening with this big guy, so I ordered him from Australia. I may keep my preorder if my stockist has one I really love. I liked the glowering Houston from the promo pic, but I'm not sure any of them actually glower. Otherwise, I'll cancel his preorder and replace it with someone else. I always try to do that. Anyway, Houston is as glorious as I expected. He's huge! The shorter gray fur is tyber, so he's super soft on his head and body. His bill is quite soft, too. His wings have multiple feathers, though they're hidden by the shaggy fur. I love his eye color. He's simply amazing and I'm so happy to have him. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023


Arrival Date: 3/25/23

Size: 23"

Year: 2022

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $182

Thoughts: Hayley was not on my radar for the longest time. She's been out for quite a while now and she's been on QVC. Recently, I've been noticing more and more pretty photos of her on the Facebook groups, and after I returned my two Artful Dodgers, I decided to give her a try. Big bears are not really my thing, mostly because I don't have a ton of space and because I tend not to find them as cuddly as the ones a few inches shorter. Hayley might just be an exception though. When I picked her up, I was surprised how cuddly she is, because she really is quite massive. She's comparable in size to Ambassador, but her fur is longer so she looks even bigger. She's got a nice squishy tummy though and she's lighter than she looks. She's very photogenic, too. I think she's going to be sticking around, though I won't know for sure until she's had her cuddle time. She had the somewhat poor luck of arriving on the same day as I bear I've wanted for years, so she's got a little wait before it's her turn. 


Arrival Date: 3/25/23

Size: 16"

Year: 2013 Secret Collection

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: ebay

Cost: About $128

Thoughts: Marzipan has been one of my most wanted bears for years. He turns up very infrequently. I knew I'd have to import and I finally saw one on ebay. Totally fell for this guy and bought him right away. What a face! What colors! While I'm not 100% certain he's tyber, he sure feels that soft. He fits right in with Charlie's more recent guilt-free treats designs. I absolutely love him and I'm so happy he's finally made it home. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

SHRUB (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 3/20/23

Size: 12"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $65.95

Thoughts: And here's Shrub. I love this stripy little grump face. I originally preferred Shrub, then switched to Sapling after getting my first pick, but now in person, it's back to Shrub. They're both adorable so it's the barest of differences. 

SAPLING (Rehomed)

Arrival Date: 3/20/23

Size: 12"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $65.95

Thoughts: I liked these cute little bears in plant hats, but didn't preorder them, figuring they'd be pretty accessible. I was a little regretful as I watched all my favorites for Shrub, the other one in the pair, be selected. I did get my first choice on Sapling here though! I loved this one from the start. She's got a cute tiny face. 

Friday, March 10, 2023


Arrival Date: 3/10/23

Size: 21"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $90.95

Thoughts: Big, beautiful, green Wizard! I don't have any bears in this lovely teal color except for Smudge's green smudges. Wizard is very tall, but he's thin, so it was easy for me to find him a place in my display. He's also quite soft and cuddly.


Arrival Date: 3/10/23

Size: 15"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $90.95

Thoughts: Edgar! I loved him from the catalogue and he's super adorable in person. It was tough picking one out because there were two I kept going back and forth between. This guy with the dark patch on his face won. Edgar is a woolly mammoth, though he has no tusks. But then CBs aren't known for accuracy. He's got long, soft fur and he's very cuddly. Well worth waiting for!

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Arrival Date: 3/9/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: Free with rewards (Retail $86.95)

Thoughts: San Diego is a kinkajou, though he doesn't look quite like one. The ears they got right, but a kinkajou has much larger eyes and a lighter nose that blends more with the muzzle fur. These are typical CB changes made to real animals to make them "cuter." I was lucky to get him, as my stockist only got this one in. He's still very cute, despite the inaccuracies. I love his curled tail! 


Arrival Date: 3/9/23

Size: 13.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $104.95

Thoughts: Also a silvery tyber plush is little Greg. He's the third in the trio that also includes Zach and Knox. He's just as cuddly and adorable as they are!


Arrival Date: 3/9/23

Size: 16.5"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $136.95

Thoughts: The silver fox companion to red fox Journey is finally here. Like Journey, he's luxurious tyber plush, so he's incredibly soft. He's gorgeous. 


Arrival Date: 3/9/23

Size: 19"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Isabelle Lee

Purchased From: BAMS

Cost: $132.95

Thoughts: Oh, how beautiful! I was actually prepared for poor Toffee to be my least wow factor from this delivery of four, but I was way wrong. He jumped out instantly. The rich colors of his fur are glorious, and he has the sweetest expression. I'm such a sucker for wide-set eyes and he's got the best pair. He's as cuddly as the others in this style set (Cotton Candy, Soda Pop, Cheese Whizz, and Shoofly Pie). Definitely highly recommend this bear!

Saturday, February 25, 2023


Arrival Date: 2/25/23

Size: 14"

Year: 2022 

Designer: Charlie

Purchased From: QVC

Cost: $77

Thoughts: Grin was another I liked in the catalogue. That one had this big blue nose. Mine's is pretty big and I like the patterning on his face, so I'm keeping him. He's a skinnier bunny with enormous feet and long, floppy ears. Very cute. And he sits really nicely with my jester mohair Harley, who's a similar pink to Grin's collar and hat.